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Ben is coming to city tonight.
After class, Lauren was getting ready to impress her boyfriend. She shaved her legs.
"Thank God he didn't saw my legs last night, he'd thought his girlfriend is a trannie" , Lauren joked while fixing her lipstick.
Lena:" Just go.He probably landed already."
Lauren: "I'm going , I'm going!"

She  ran outside and grabbed taxi.

"It's you!" Familiar voice screamed. Ben O'Brien looked even better than two months ago. He appeared more masculine.
Lauren: Baby!
She hugged him tightly and they kissed.
Ben:" I missed you so much Colgate! And you smell perfect!
Lauren:" I missed you more baby"
She didn't leave his hug for a 10 minutes at least.
Ben:"What changed since I was gone?"
Lauren: " You've changed. And I thought you can't look any hotter than you did."
Ben:" So the gym was worth it?"
Lauren:" Oh and that beard. I love it!"
Ben:" I was just trying it on."
Lauren:" Please keep it. It looks so sexy."
-" And I was killing my ass in gym this whole time. All I needed was a beard." He joked

Sun & Lena texting each other:

Lena: When are you finished with classes?
Sun: I just finished :) You?
Lena: I'm home since 12
Sun: Bitch! :P
Lena: Let's eat something! Our chef is out.
Sun: Shall we go to Jacks?
Lena: Anywhere I'm STARVING!
Sun:Meet you there in 20?
Lena: I'm coming!

At 3:20 they met in front of the restaurant
Lena: You're late!
Sun: Liar! I'm right on time!
They went inside. All tables were almost taken. Jack saved them a little table but he didn't have time to talk to girls since he was too busy.
Waitress came:
" Hey girl, how are you?What can I get for you?"
Sun: " Hey, all good thanks!I'll take chicken noodles...."
Waitress:" And your friend?"
Lena:"It's Lena. I'll have roasted potatoes with mushroom cream, thanks..."
"Mmm sounds delicious!!" Chris appeared out of nowhere!!!!!
She was surprised to see him!
Chris:" You Don't have to look at me like that I won't steal your meal."
He smiled and added:" You're lucky I just had a lunch."
"Well, well, well who do I see" - Eddie appeared behind him
Sun:" You were eating here?"
Eddie:" Yeah we just saw you and wanted to bug you , but where's the third charm?
" You mean your dancing partner?" Lena teased him
Chris: "Studio 58 in the house"
Lena:" Looked more like "Dirty dancing to me"
Eddie:"Is this a Eddie hate club ?" They all laughed.
Lena:" Well actually your dancing partner's boyfriend arrived today. So they're spending the day together...."
Eddie:"Is that so...? So these two chairs here are for me and Chris right?
Lena:" Yes, reserved for you two only"
Chris smiled. He loved her attitude and sarcasm she spoke so fluently.
Sun:" Come sit! At least order a desert or something."
Eddie:" You know I'm never full."
Sun:" Oh, I know, I know!"
Eddie sat next to Lena and Chris sat next to Sun. He didn't take his eyes off Lena. She noticed so she felt uncomfortable.
Eddie talked l about some nonsenses at first and then Chris asked Lena: "So what do you study Lena?"
Lena: "Law"
Chris:" Nice. Is it hard for you?"
Lena:" Not really... But actually there's this subject I'm trying to solve with Lauren over two months.. But professor is real ass!
Chris: "Let me guess, Profesor Stanford?"
Lena:" How did you know."
Chris" My father is a good friend with him. I know students hate him."
Lena:"Please don't tell him I said he's an ass"
He moved closer to the table and put his hand on Lena's. She shivered.
"Don't worry.I can talk to him! What exactly does he bother you with?"
Lena: " It's this essay on WWII. We worked weeks on it. He's never satisfied.
Chris:" He likes playing around but I'll talk to him..
Lena: " You would do that for me?"
Chris:" Why not...What about theory part?
Lena: " Thank you!! Theory part surprisingly seems easier than the essay in this case. But I still need to study hard."
Chris put his hand on hers again:" All you need is a better schedule."
She felt her body was burning. She never felt like that in her life. Every time he looked at her she was screaming inside. But she was very good at hiding it.
Sun:" Why don't you tell Lena how great student you were yourself!?"
He pulled his hand back:" Well not that good Sunny."
Sun:" Come on! Math professor picked him for his own little students council"
Lena: " Really?? That's amazing Chris! Seriously !"
His eyes sparkled when he hear Lena's words.
Chris:" It was just a math, I wasn't an Einstein really."
Sun:" Don't be so modest. I remember that Jack was always saying you're a prodigy.Btw I'm going to check hows my boyfriend doing"
She stoop up and went to kitchen to see Jack.
Eddie stood up too and said: " You know what guys, I'm leaving too before I order something."
Chris and Lena were left alone.
There was awkward moment of silence first and then he broke it with:
" Do you like my friend Gary?"
"No!" she said defensively.
"Good! He's not for you!"
Lena:" You would know?"
Chris:" I don't know much, but I know he's not for you. I think you need a real man beside you."
Lena:" And by that you mean yourself?" She  even surprised herself with asking that question.
Chris:" I know you want that. But no I was not talking about me."
Lena:" Are you always that confident?"
" I try." he smiled
Lena:" Why do you wanna know if like Gary?"
Chris:" Gary is my friend!"
Lena:" So you're trying to connect us??"
He frowned:" No you're not the girl for Gary!"
Lena:" Oh, so I'm not good enough for him."
He got closer and hit a fist on the table:" That's not what I said."
Lena:" It's fine, he's your friend. I don't really care anyway."
Chris: No Lena. You're too good for him!
She paused for a second. Surprised by his words. But she knew he was a player and she didn't want to let him have this game.
Lena:" Too good for him?! I thought he's your friend?"
Chris:" He is! But I know him best and you don't need a guy like him."
Lena:" You mean guy like you too!?!"
He paused...
Lena:" It's ok, I know guys like Gary and you. The games you're playing. Sleeping around and ditching girls tomorrow like they're a thing.Maybe you even wanted to play a game with me too?
Chris:" That's not how things are..."
Lena:" So you want to tell me you didn't sleep with the girl from the couch the other night?"
Chris:" I didn't mean to.."
Lena:" To what, to fuck her?!
He was shocked again! He didn't know what to say!
Lena: She was a hot girl. I hoped you enjoyed it. Please tell Sunshine I enjoyed the meal here, I have to go home to study. Like you said yourself all I need is a better schedule.

She left and he was there all alone, with a dull look, speechless, confused!

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