- Chapter 24 -

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Yay! Today was our day back on tour and Alex was here with my mom, step dad, grandparents, and my brothers but they were at their hotel. Me and the guys just finished sound check and BTR was still having theres.

I decided to take a quick shower and I changed into some dark wash skinny jeans, ramones shirt, red ugg boots, and a red pea coat.

After I changed I realized I was starving! There was no food to be found which was weird since we always have at least some food around. I walked into the guys dressing room and spotted Nialls bag. A huge smile grew on my face knowing my cute leprechaun had some food.

I stuck my head out the door looking both ways making sure no was coming and I then walked to his bag quietly opening it. I opened the bag and I swear I could hear angels singing and a heavenly light shine upon that bag there lay potato chips, lollipops, Cheetos, Doritos, Fritos, sour patch kids, snickers, kit kats, and random snacks. I grabbed a bag of chips and most of the candy.

Whilst I was stuffing the food in my pockets I heard laughter and I quickly fixed everything and quickly walked out going the opposite way acting as if I hadn't stolen some of Nialls food stash.

"Hey Claire vas happenin!" Zayn called out. I turned around and awkwardly waved back trying to make sure my pockets didn't make sounds. They waved back and I found that as my chance to run. I ran straight for my dressing room and took everything out and I opened the kit kats first and stuffed them in my mouth.

"Mmmmm" I made many sexually sounding sounds but I mean it's chocolate! Don't judge. I heard my door being burst open and in walked Niall and the rest of the guys. My eyes widened and I hid the chocolate.

"I smell chocolate." Niall said sniffing the air. I just shook my head and smiled. "Claire open your mouth" he walked over to me and grabbed my face into his hands. "Don't you dare swallow it!" I couldn't help but burst out laughing at that comment. I finished the chocolate in my mouth and I opened my mouth to show him I ate it all.

Next thing I know I'm pushed to ground and Nialls trying to eat my hand off. The guys were trying to get Niall off me.

"Oww Niall that hurt your no longer my favorite Liam is." I pouted hugging Liam. Niall just walked out with all the food I took. "Liam buy me lunch!" I jumped in his arms and he just chuckled along with Louis and Zayn. "Onward mighty steed!"

"Claire what are you doing?" Uncle Simon said behind him was a pretty curly haired women. "I just wanted some lunch" I stated.

"After you do that this is Danielle she's your new manager. Danielle this is Claire." She stepped from behind uncle Simon and waved at me. Liam dropped me instantly with me landing on my bum.

"Oi! Liam be careful!" Harry ran to make sure I was ok. "Are you ok?" Where did he come from? Was he not with us a while ago? God I need to get some food. I nodded.

"I'm hungry take me out to eat!" He picked me up and carried me out. "It's nice to meet you dani! Uncle Simon I'll be back I'm going to get food bye!" We walked out and Harry put me in the passengers seat.

"Where do you wanna go eat?" He said while pulling out and into the road.

"There's this really great diner we could go too let's go!" I showed Harry where to go and we parked in front of this really popular diner. I loved coming here they have great cheeseburgers. Harry helped me out and I was greeted by a big gust of cold wind that I put my black beanie on. We walked in being greeted by a waitress. We told her table for 2 and she led us to a booth beside the window. We both ordered some cheeseburgers.

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