- Chapter 89 -

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"Sooo how did it go?" Louis said the next day as I went to get breakfast.

"We decided to go our separate ways." I said giving him a small smile.

"So Becca?" He said uncertainly with a facial expression of pure disapproval.

"Even if you guys don't like her I decided to give her a chance. She seems like a nice girl." I forced a smile and went to sit with my other mates.

"There's something odd about her tho." Louis said as he sat beside me.

I laughed. "She's innocent."

"Yea she seems innocent but you never know. Did you know that she received a recommendation from Claire's dad?" Liam said as he took a bite from his pancakes.

"Isn't that good?" Really? What is so wrong about Becca?

"Yea but Claire's dad isn't the type of guy to recommend people like that. Also isn't it strange that you met Becca while you were at home and then she decided to leave everything and come here." Zayn said suspiciously.

I put my fork and knife down quite loud and stared at them. They all looked at me and then I noticed Niall wasn't around. Odd, since I know how much Niall loves food.

"Where's Niall?"

"Oh he decided to stay in bed because Ellie was going to text him or something." Liam said.

"What happened while I was gone."

"Well Ed got drunk and we all walked in on Ellie and Niall getting it in. After that Ed left and then the others." Zayn said.

"Ed left quite mad if I may add." Louis said.

"Are you lads done?" We all turned around and saw Simon.

"Yea." I said.

"Good because you have an interview."

"Sure let me go get Niall." Zayn said and walked away.

My attention was quickly caught by my phone ringing.

"I'll be outside I have a call from Becca." I said as I smiled at the caller ID.


I woke up to loud bangs and stuff being thrown around. Odd but it sounded so close to our room. Maybe it was the people beside us?

"Shit!" I heard. "Damn it!"

I recognized Eds voice and quickly got up to see what was wrong. As I opened the door I caught a glimpse of Ed punching the pillow beside him and then throwing it on the floor. Ed was on his phone trying to call someone but I'm guessing they weren't answering.

"Ed you ok?" I said as I cautiously took a step forward.

He looked up startled "Uh-" he cleared his throat. "Yea sure just go back to sleep."

"But it's already 12 in the afternoon."

"Damn it Claire just go to bed!" He said frustrated. "Just please listen."

"Who are you trying to call?" I said as I sat opposite of him.

"No one. What makes it look like I was trying to call someone?" He put his phone away.

"Well you were quite mad yesterday when you got home and now today your on your phone dialing someone who clearly doesn't answer you."

"What did you do yesterday? When I got home your face was all red and puffy." He said trying to change the subject.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now