- Chapter 62 -

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~ LIAM's POV ~


Harry Styles has been seen only in bars now a days. It seems that's all that Harry does since Claire Woods left. We have sources close to the couple that say "Harry has been cheating on Claire since they started dating, this is not the only time it's just this time he got caught so I understand if she doesn't want him back."

Seems Harry has done this before and multiple times and I'm guessing Claire found out the whole truth. Drowning your sorrows in alcohol is not the way to go Harry. Sources close to Harry say he's developing a problem with alcohol and he might be sent to rehab.


- @Harry_Styles she's not worth it!!!

- damn no wonder she doesn't want you back.

- and I thought that was the only time! Screw you @ Harry_ Styles

- Harry do us a favor and just die

- asshole @Harry_Styles

- can't they just kick you out!

- Claire_Woods where are you!!!!!! Come back and slap the shit out of Harry.

- if I see you Harry I'll hit you.

- @Harry_Styles go die.

- - - - -

"Harry take it easy." I tried taking the whiskey bottle out of his hands but he just snatched it away again. I let out a sigh.

"Don't fucking tell me when to take it easy." He slurred. I winced as his breath and including his clothes reeked of alcohol.

"We have to go Simon said we have to write more songs." I tried pulling him up but no luck, he wouldn't budge.

"I already wrote 2 songs what more does he want! Don't I have the right to wait for Claire." He took another chug, not a sip but a chug.

"She's not going to come back with you like this. Now let's go." I put his arm over me and pulled him up, walking out.

"Do you think she's ever going to come back Liam?" Harry asked once we were in the car.

"Yes she's coming back just wait." I looked over but he was already half asleep.

I let out a deep sigh. Ever since Claire left Harry's been drowning his feelings in alcohol. He was at the pub every night. Good thing was he didn't sleep around anymore but he does drink.

"Claire come back."

- - A WEEK LATER - -

Danielle was here with me and I'm glad I have her. Ever since Claire left we've had more time to spend together and we've taken advantage. She's sweet, nice, and just plain amazing.

"Have you heard anything about Claire?" I asked curious. Harry was in lockdown with Niall and Louis.

"No and I'm worried what if she needs me?" She looked up at me.

"Do you think she saw that interview we did with Ellen." I looked down at her and she just shook her head.

"No I've talked to her mom and nope she hasn't mentioned anything. Lately she hasn't called at all. She's with Ian." She said quietly.

"Do you think she's with him?"

"No, well maybe." I turned my attention back to the movie were watching and just kissed the top of her head.

"How's harry?"

"He's alright I guess just still waiting for Claire. I just still don't get it. Where is she? Why did she leave and why did she sell her apartment?"

Danielle got up and went to her purse to take something out. She came back and sat down with a black box in her hands.

"Here take it." I grabbed it and opened it. My eyes widened as I saw the contents. I picked up the ring, bracelet, and necklace.

"She left them?" Danielle nodded.

"She told me to take care of them because one day she wants to give them back. Also her stuff are in storage until she tells us what do." She stored the things in the box and walked back.

"Harry messed up big time."

"I know he did and so did we." She grabbed my head and placed it on her chest. Her hands started stroking my hair softly.

"No it's not don't worry. She doesn't blame any of you. Why do you keep blaming yourself?"

"Because we sorta knew what Harry was doing and we promised to tell her and if we had told her maybe none of this would have happened." A sharp pain came across my heart.

"Nobody would have prevented this. It's not your fault Liam. Claire just needs time to think and in the meanwhile I'm sure Harry can change. He seems different."

"He's not the same Harry I knew." I let out a sigh. "He was so much different when we were back on the X factor. I just want to know where that Harry is."

Danielle just looked at me and smiled. She ran her hands thru my hair and kissed my forehead. My mind was on Harry and what he was doing. It's true Harry has changed and I myself want to know why? He's my best mate and I worry about him like I would the other boys.

All I know is that he needs us and I'm going to make sure were there for him. I just hope Claire comes back soon.

Where you at Claire!!!?!?!???!

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