- Chapter 88 -

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Also the song for this chapter will be More Than This - 1D


"Harry?" I said again as if I was dreaming. My eyes blinked rapidly to make sure this was real.

He looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes and gave me a small smile.

"Hey." He said. "Can I come in?" I stepped aside without saying anything and he walked in.

"How did you know which hotel room I was staying in." I said as I walked behind him.

"Taylor came running to me after the show and gave it to me saying Go!" He sat on the couch we had in the room.

"Oh." I said as I sat on the coffee table.

We sat in front of each other without making eye contact and without a word. He sat there just messing with his hands and looking around nerviously.

"I liked your-" we both started and then stopped when we realized the other was speaking.

Harry cleared his throat. "I liked your performance. It was a beautiful song."

"Thank you." I said looking away. "I liked your performance too."

We both again stayed silent and just looked around. At one instance we caught each other's eye but then we quickly looked away.

"Claire." He said softy.

"Do you want something to drink?" I said quickly. I didn't wait for him to answer and headed towards the small kitchen our hotel room had.

I had brewed tea earlier that night so I decided to reheat it again. In my mind I knew I was stalling and I knew that wasn't going to help me but I just didn't know how to face him.

What am I going to say?

What should I do?

How should I act?

I turned off the stove as I heard the pot whistle and then proceeded to pour it into two cups.

My hands were shaking as I tried to pour it in so I put the pot down and then I realized that . . .

I'm crying.

We looked like strangers that don't know each other.

It was sad.

"What are-" I started as I felt two arms wrap around me.

"Let's stay like this." Harry said as his face was buried in my shoulder.

His voice sounded foreign like it's been a long while since I heard his voice. His touch, smell, voice, and beating of his heart was right close to me.

I remember the moments we shared. Every kiss, every touch, every hug, and just everything.

The good and the bad.

I turned around and sobbed into his chest and his arms wrapped tighter around me as he also sobbed into my shoulder.

That moment we just held on to each other. Me clutching tightly at his shirt and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist as if he let go I would vanish.

The feeling felt so right and so familiar. Like a warm blanket was wrapped around me and I felt safe.

His lips moved closer to my ears.

[play song in background MORE THAN THIS]

"I'm broken, do you hear me? I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see, I'm dancin' alone, I'm praying, That your heart will just turn around,"

He started singing softly in my ear.

"And as I walk up to your door, My head turns to face the floor, 'Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say,"

He pulled away alittle but still held me close.

"When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, It just won't feel right, 'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah, When he lays you down, I might just die inside, It just don't feel right, 'Cause I can love you more than this, Can love you more than this"

His nose touched with mine and he stared deep into my eyes. As he sang tears were seen.

"If I'm louder, would you see me? Would you lay down In my arms and rescue me? 'Cause we are the same You save me, When you leave it's gone again,"

He looked into my eyes sadly and then looked down.

"And then I see you on the street, In his arms, I get weak, My body fails, I'm on my knees Prayin',"

Tears started falling as he got on his knees and hugged my legs. His voice was always something I've loved and now it just hurt me to hear his voice filled with pain.

"When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, It just won't feel right, 'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah, When he lays you down, I might just die inside, It just don't feel right, 'Cause I can love you more than this,"

I got down on my knees with him and hugged him even tighter. Even while he was crying he kept singing.

I decided to pull away but:

"Yeah, I've never had the words to say, But now I'm askin' you to stay For a little while inside my arms,"

I decided to stay and let him keep holding me. I needed to hold onto him too because I didn't want to let go of this feeling.

"And as you close your eyes tonight, I pray that you will see the light, That's shining from the stars above,When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, It just won't feel right, 'Cause I can love you more than this,"

His hold on me grew tighter and his head hung low.

"'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah When he lays you down, I might just die inside, It just don't feel right, 'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah, When he opens his arms and holds you close.tonight, It just won't feel right, 'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah When he lays you down, I might just die inside (oh, yeah), It just don't feel right, 'Cause I can love you more than this, Can love you more than this"

When he stopped all you could hear were us crying into each other's arms. Me buried deep into his shoulder and him into mine.

"I can love you more." He said as he pulled away.

He stared into my eyes and then slowly leaned in closer but stopped when his lips were close to mine. He looked up at me as if to ask permission.

I slowly closed my eyes and we kissed.

It was much better then our first kiss. All the feelings and all the passion I've felt were in that kiss.

And my goodbye as well.

"I'm sorry." I said as we pulled away.

Harry let out a small smile and nodded his head.

"It's ok but if something happens you know where to find me." I nodded

He let out a sigh and then we both headed to the door.

"Bye Claire."

"Bye Harry."

And with that I watched him walk away till he was no longer in my sight.


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