Chapter Three:Class 2-A

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Bakugo watched as Harunei made her way to her seat behind him. She was to happy for his liking and cocky as well. He kept his eyes on the front of the room unlike his annoying classmates. Sure she had taken them all by surprise with that little comment of hers. He grabbed her wrist without looking and pulled her close so she wouldn't try to get away before he was done with her.

"You think you're so great? Get ready for the lesson of a lifetime." He looked at her stupid smiling face and almost forgot his insult," You will learn to stay out of the way. Understood?"

Her eyes turned dark for a second," Of course Ka-Chan." With that she pulled herself out of his grip and sat down.

He was in a bit of shock for a second before he cleared his head. How had she known his name? How had she known the name Ka-Chan? He could only remember one person ever using that name and he had been missing for six years.

"Bakugo!" He looked up at the sound of his name. "Did you hear what I said?" Aizawa was looking at him. He glared for a second before responding,"No."

Aizawa smirked, "Well than let me repeat myself. We will be doing combat training today. I want to see how you all have improved over the break. So get into costumes and meet me at the training grounds." With that he walked out of the room and left them all to get ready.

No one moved for a second and then everyone was talking and grabbing costumes. Bakugo looked at Harunei to see her being bombarded with questions.

"So what's you're quirk?" he heard Mina ask. Harunei just smiled, got up,grabbed her stuff and before leaving said," You'll just have to wait and see."

Todoroki took in a breath as the last of his classmates joined the rest outside. His breath caught in his throat when Harunei walked out last. She was in simple black army pants with combat boots and a black tank top. It showed the scars decorating her arms. She had what seemed like hundreds of them with at least three rows on her lower left arm of evenly cut lines about two centimeters apart.

The entire class collectively shook the surprise from their faces and prepared for Aizawa's instructions. They would be doing one on one combat with no limitations just like the festival in their first year. Todoroki noticed Bakugo watching Harunei with a burning anger.

"So here are your opponents." Aizawa began listing student vs student. "...Todoroki vs Jiro and for our last battle Bakugo vs Harunei."

The first few battles went by quickly and soon it was Todoroki's turn. He entered the ring and prepared to face off with Jiro. He either had to push her out of the ring, knock her out, or emobilize her. This would be easy.


Todoroki lunged for her with a new found speed. If he wanted to win he needed to keep her

from using those earphones. Jiro aimed a roundhouse kick at him but never made contact before she was frozen in place. Todoroki had gotten better at controlling his ice and only froze her and not the whole audience.

"Todoroki is the victor. Get ready for the next match." he removed Jiro from the ice then

stepped back to watch the fight everyone was really looking forward to. They all wanted to know Ceader Harunei's quirk.

Ash took in a deep breath. She was glad she had never uses her powers in public. It meant she could go all out without getting called out for being a villain. She popped her back as she entered the ring. This was something she was going to enjoy.

Aizawa watched as the two prepared to fight. Harunei had a new look in her eyes. She was still smiling but it was a cruel one. It made her look cocky and ready. He sighed and took a mental note of her expression. Her eyes had a new hunger. They were no longer kind and sweet. She had the eyes of a killer. She was going to wipe the floor with Bakugo and no one would even realize it till it was too late.

Ash's eyes focused on the way Bakugo's muscles tensed and released. She would use this to her advantage. She knew she could beat him with her eyes closed but got into a fighting stance anyways. No point in showing off what I can do this early in the game. She smirked.


Ash didn't take a step as Bakugo rushed her. He jumped and she stayed Low ready for his

attack. She needed his smoke so she could surprise him. She sidestepped right in time for his punch to connect with the ground instead of her back. Smoke. Good. She grabbed his waist before he could shoot back up into the air. He grunted and tried to grab her.

Ash used his momentum to throw him over her head and out of the smoke. He touched her. That's all she needed. She had slowly been gathering the others quirks with small touches that hardly anyone noticed. She had the upper hand. He yelled and rushed her again but this time he couldn't see her as well as before and she was able to connect a kick to his stomach sending him flying straight up. The smoke cleared with the shockwave of her kick. She stuffed her hands into her pockets.

Ash heard someone gasp as they saw what she had done while the smoke hid her. In that short amount of time she had constructed a clear glass box around them. Bakugo hit the top of the box with full force and came crashing down. She saw him spit blood as he got the air knocked out of him and fell. She took her hands out of her pockets. This was her chance. With his blood and Stain's quirk she would finish this. She was on the other side of the box before he even hit the ground. She heard another gasp of surprise and a comment about her speed. There was another gasp and a shocked noise as they noticed the blood covering her hand.

Ash smirked and looked at the group surrounding her. A look of surprise and almost horror was on each student's face.

"Don't worry it's not mine." She looked back at Bakugo, who was trying to stand, as she tasted his blood. Mine now. You are not Deku. He froze mid step.

"All mine now." She had won.

"The winner is Harunei." Aizawa almost chocked on his words. The box disappeared and Ash

walked over to Bokugo.

"That was fun! We should do it again sometime Ka-Chan!" she helped him up and led him to

the sidelines.

Bakugo was so dumbfounded that he didn't even struggle against Harunei when she had helped him. He had just gone along with her. She had gone from a sweet innocent looking child to a cold blooded killer. She could have killed him. She had been toying around with him. He could tell from the look on her face.

They were all back in the classroom with some free time. Classmates wanted to talk to Harunei but the fear was clear on their face. He sighed with annoyance. "Fine if no one else is going to ask the question we have all been wondering, then I will." He got out of his seat and turned to her. "So Ceader Harunei, what is your quirk?"

She looked up from her phone and smiled that sickeningly sweet smile. "Mimicking." She let the realization set in.

"What does that mean?" Kamimari asked.

"It means that I can Mimic the quirk of anyone I touch. I can use their quirk to what ever level I want and for as long as I want whenever I want. I can combine quirks to make deadly counter attacks against any opponent you put me up against. I can strategize a series of attacks in seconds based off the way my opponent starts the match. I have no limits to what I can do and I can use as many quirks at once as I want to. That is why I was recommended a year early." Her smile was gone as she studied the reaction on everyone's face.

Mina raised her hand to speak but Todoroki interrupted her,"You used a villain's quirk. The hero killer Stain's quirk blood curdle. I'm right aren't I?"

Harunei smirked, "You bet. Got his quirk about a year before his rampage. He had bumped into me in the street. I later found out he was a killer. Now if you will excuse me I have a ride to catch and an old friend to see so fair well!" She just waved and walked out. That was it.

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