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Ambrose looked up from the IVs in his wrist when he heard a knock at his door

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Ambrose looked up from the IVs in his wrist when he heard a knock at his door.
Stefan stood at the edge of the room holding up a book.
"Did you know the name Ambrose means immortal in Greek?"
Ambrose snorted at his own question as Stefan walked further into the room curiously, pulling a chair close to the foot of the boy's bed.
"Pretty ironic considering the doctors are placing bets on how much longer I have left."
"Who Dr. Langdon?"
Stefan rose an eyebrow his heart hurting for the boy.
"Of course not, he's like my dad. He's the only one who thinks I could get better. Even my parents didn't believe it and that's before I entered stage three."
Ambrose sighed sitting up as he looked to Stefan.
The Salvatore noticed then he was back to the small oxygen tube around his face.
"Where are your parents?"
Stefan asked hastily.
Ambrose chuckled.
"You don't have to be nervous around me Stefan, just ask what you want to know. My parents left about five, six months into treatment.
I guess when you promise to stay with your kid until the end you mean the end of you caring."
Stefan's heart hurt for the boy who still had a small smile on his lips.
"'Les Misérables.'"
Stefan grinned holding up the book in his hand.
Ambrose grinned taking the book softly from Stefan.
"This book is like a hundred years old."
Ambrose laughed flipping through the pages, the pages feeling rough and old making his smile grow.
"It's one of the first three copies that were published."
Stefan smiled.
"No way. Thank you Stefan."
"Of course Brody."
The two grinned at each other.
"Ahem. Stefan can you give us a moment."
The boys heads snapped to Dr. Langdon at the door.
"Excuse me."
Ambrose stood up slowly walking toward the door, making Dr. Langdon wince for some reason.
"What's up?"
Ambrose grinned.
"Brody I have some bad news."
Andy sighed taking off his glasses and shoving them in his coat pocket.
"I'm afraid you're going to have to be bound to your bed until we find away to stop your coughing fits."
Ambrose tensed immediately his eyebrows furrowing.
"What the hell no way!"
The boys yell startled Stefan.
"I can't leave this damn hospital and now you're telling me I can't leave my room?"
Ambrose yelled once again drawing the attention of some people in the hall.
Once a week, or sometimes month, Ambrose would go and see the other kids who were trapped in the hospital.
Some had depression, eating disorders, others had disease like his.
"Ambrose it's for your health."
"My health is already screwed-"
Ambrose hunched over suddenly coughs racking his body.
Ambrose could never raise his voice and when he did it ended up hurting him.
Dr. Langdon reached for him and Ambrose stumbled back, Stefan standing quickly to steady him.
"I'm fine."
Ambrose coughed into his shoulder, standing up straight with Stefan's help.
"I'm sorry Brody."
Ambrose didn't respond crawling back into his bed.
"Just go."
He told the doctor quietly.
Stefan sat on the foot of the bed his mind racing, wondering why he cared so much about the boy's health when he'd just met him yesterday.
"I guess I'm worse then I thought."
Ambrose sighed clutching the book in one hand.
"I won't be able to talk to anyone, nobody comes here."
Ambrose sighed looking at Stefan through his hooded eyes.
Suddenly a smile took over the Salvatore's face.
"I guess I'll just have to start visiting more."

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