Police POV
I walk up to meet the friends of Briar Nolet and Myles Erlick. I have to break the news of their deaths to them. I hate this part of my job. I hate having to watch as people grieve and scream and cry after a loved one has died. But someone has to do it ... and that someone is me.
Knock knock
A blonde haired girl answers the door and a confused and worried look crosses her face as she sees me.
"Can I help you?" She asks me and a boy steps out next to her.
"Are you Victoria Baldessara and Isaac Lupin?" I ask them both.
"That's us." Victoria says.
"I'm so very sorry." I start. "But there was an explosion at a diner near the beach and your friends, Briar and Myles, were caught up in it."
"What? Are they okay?" Victoria asks in a rush.
"I'm so sorry, they didn't survive." I tell them and I look down sadly.
"NO! YOU'RE LYING TO ME" Victoria screams at me through tears.
I hate my job right now.