Rocket Ship

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From a prompt list to help me get back into the groove of things.

I'm in a rocket ship now,
We're going to the moon
It's been a few days
We'll be arriving soon

It'll be fun and glorious
Floating in space
And to feel the whirlwind of stars
On my face

We'll dance with the stars
Disappear without a trace
Oh? We're landing?
Oh my, oh my
To the rocket ship I shall say goodbye
As I bounce on the craters
Something strange goes by
By a bounce and a look
That left me quite shook
Was to my surprise these little green guys!

They're friendly and accommodating as can be
With their manners of "May I" and "please".
We had great fun, bouncing on the moon
And talking and dreaming of stuff we could do
But sadly my time had come
I was feeling so utterly glum
My next destination was back to Earth
Away from my newfound friends

They greeted me gracefully
With their charm and allure
And as they bid me adieu
I was left feeling kind of blue.

But then I remembered our bouts of fun
Which I will remember in the long run
And even though I'm still sad
I don't think Earth is all that bad
However, wherever I choose to roam
Earth will always be my home.

It's a bit more childish than what I usually do, but I really like it and hope whoever reads this does too.

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