Chapter 50

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So, I knew I had to make an update before you killed me, so, here it is! Not edited


"Thanks, um- I'll come a bit later..." I tell my dad and Leo as I walk to Elia's front door. I'm about to knock, but I just open it. It's not like his grandparents are around. It's only him and Xander. I should say I'm surprised by the way the house looks, it looks so clean and spotless. I walk up the stairs slowly as I am exhausted. Once on the top step, I hear some noisy sounds coming from somewhere.

I embrace myself for anything as I walk to lean against Elia's door. Thant's when I hear a sniff accompanied by a sob. I open the door immediately to see Elia on the far corner of the room with knees pulled up to his chest, my heart breaks.

"El- babe..." I walk over him and kneel. He looks up to look up at me. His face plastered with surprise faces me surprised to see me. His hands immediately fly to wipe tears from his eyes but I hold them back. And he breaks in my arms.

This isn't the first time I've seen Elia cry, and this wont be the last, I know- but this is the hardest I've seen him cry. I pull him into a hug and force to place his head on my chest. He doesn't resist but settle in between my legs. I position myself to lean on the walls bringing him with me.

Elia cries swells tears in my eyes. I don't what happened, but it must have been huge. Or maybe... he misses his parents it's hard to lose your parents I believe, but I will never know to what extent since I haven't lost mine.

He cries for over ten minutes, violently sobbing and sniffing. I hold him and rock him back and forth until his sobs turns into muffing sniffs.

After maybe another 10 minutes, he pulls back from my hands. "I'm sorry Nate." Just by calling me Nate makes me know something is up. I look at him, and honestly, I can see those blue eyes apologize. But what for? I don't get the chance to ask him what for before he starts talking.

"I- remember the hickeys? And- um... me telling you about- someone I was... just.., making out with?" he asks. I nod looking deep into his eyes. "It was- it was Xander."

The words get me off guard. It was Xander? As in? as in the person Elia was-

"What?" I panic immediately standing up. Xander is- bi?

"I know I messed up... but I can make it right... I promise!" he cries. "Nothing was going on between us then... there wasn't even a you and me Nate, please don't leave me!" he must have panicked when I start to walk to the door Actually, I'm just pacing.

"Elia! I'm not leaving you." I tell him massaging my temples. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared." He confesses. "I was scared."

"And Xander... does he-"

"He is gay, I know it's not my position to tell you this... but he was gay, from when I first saw him, from before that. That's why he broke up with Sage..."

"And that was it!?" my concern had nothing to do with Xander being gay. Coming to look at it now, it makes sense, he is gay... the way he was the calmest when our clique has sex with every girl in our way, the way he never really wanted to bully the gays- the way he talks... walks... oh My god! How did I miss this... but Xander is Xander, right now... it Elia and I. "That was it... it was just before we dated... and nothing after, right?"

Elia opens his mouth to say something, but closes it right after. His face tightens as another wave of tears start to attack him. This cant be happening- he- cheated on my with my best friend! With my best friend!

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