Chapter 71

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Wake up, bath, brush my teeth, throw some clothes on, have breakfast by myself, really eat like I haven't before, search for my car keys to see I left them in my car last night, pull myself to my car, put some music on and drive lazily to school.

The spot I usually park is taken, so I park at the grounds.

I take my bag from the back and walk to the school building.

Nothing changed. People are making out, cheerleaders flipping their hair, girls gossiping, boys fist bumping. Everything is just the same as always. Only that- today I know for sure during break and lunch I will be sitting on my own in my car. Maybe some other closeted gay guy will come and we'll make out with me- I snicker at the thought and my failed attempt of a joke.

Instead of taking the books I need to use for today, I search for my doodling book. One I used the first days I came here. I stopped using it when I found something better to do than to just draw random things- and that is talking to people.

I find some pencils and colored pencils. I take those and throw them in my bag. The bell goes and students run to the classroom. Me- being as lazy as I woke up as, I continue fooling around in my locker until I am the only one in the halls. I close my locker and slowly make my way to my English classroom.

"Mr Clinton you're late."

"Sorry ma'am." That is all I say as I walk to sit on my place. Next to my ex boyfriend, Nathaniel. I mean- he is supposed to be, but he isn't here yet.

The moment I sit, the door opens.

"Mr. Sandas. Care to share why you're late?"

"Uh- I was doing something important that your life now back off!" My eyes dart to him, and my heart breaks.

Last night, when I went to sleep, I found some solace when I remembered everything Nathaniel and I have done ever since we became a couple, and then I realized he would be as hurt as I am, and perhaps tell me it was a mistake, or he wasn't thinking.

But looking at him now, I can see he is just fine. There is nothing I can point out to say he looks at least a bit disturbed... he looks healthy as always.

He sit next to me, and my mind dart to the time this happened. The time he got in late, and talk back to the teacher- that was the first time we met.


"Enjoying the dark?" he laughs the pushes the desk next to me a bit further as he makes his way to sit next to me.
My face turns hot and I look down.
"You're new or unpopular, I've never seen..." "Nathaniel, will you at least not disturb the new kid?" the teacher groans in annoyance. I take this time to take my books from my back, this is going to be a hell of a year.
"Okay, so I went through the project titles you have given me and this term we are going to be working on the one that states, 'High school is where many lives are lost' I need the projects next week and you will be working with the person next to you, now start working."
am I the only person who hates to work with someone else, I mean I can do the whole project alone and pass it, but now-
"I'm Nathaniel, but call me Nate" the boy stretches his hand out. I look at it before taking it and writing the topic in my book.
"This is the time you tell me your name, you know how they do it in movies?"
"Elia" I say trying not to say anything.
"Yeah, yeah, you are boring" he scoffs.

*End of flashback*

Coming to think of it, Nate really had changed. He stopped caring about his jock rep, he stopped being the dick he was. He was right, he really had changed.

I immediately take out my doodling book to avoid an emotional breakdown. I start to doodle some random things not really thinking. It's when my eyes accidentally drop to his hands that I see the watch I got him for Christmas that I feel tears swell in my eyes. I blink them away, looking up at him to see him focusing on his phone. He really is the old Nathaniel now. The carefree guy.

By the time it reaches break, two stories are the topics of the day. 1. Nathaniel and I broke up and 2. Xander and Sage broke up. The funny thing are the reasons why. Majority are saying it's because Sage and I hooked up a night ago and a few are actually saying Nathaniel wa going through a phase and after he realized he indeed is straight, he dumped me on the date we had last night.

We didn't even a date bitches!

"I heard he cheated on him with Sage." Some girl behind me says as I walk to my car for break. "Oh God you don't say. I saw them kissing in the cafeteria yesterday morning."

"Really? Girl why didn't you tell me!"


I roll my eyes walking faster to my car. I don't see the reason to listen to this shit!

Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now