Chapter 55

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I lazily walk in the halls, rubbing sleep from my eyes. I walk straight to my locker leaning on it for a second before I open it. An envelop then falls slowly on the ground. I immediately bend down to take it without anyone noticing it. It's not written a thing, so I open in haste, but onve I see the neat handwriting with tiny words, I recognize the handwriting as Xander's.

I look around me to see if anyone is watching me, and when I find nobody, I start to read it to myself.

Wow, I never thought I will ever write to you not now or ever. I thought we will stick to our texts, calls and conversations, but- well here I go.
I don't know where to start, should I start apologizing for the first day we talked, when I bumped into you in the store, or the other day I let you sit with me in Geo class, or perhaps the day Nathaniel forced me into punching you... or maybe the first time I kissed you I the car... or again, I should not be apologizing for any of that. I should be apologizing for kissing you whist knowing you were in a relationship with Nathaniel-

"What do you have there?" I fold the letter immediately and stuff it in my pocket.

"Nothing." I start to take books from my locker.

"Oh really..." I look up at Nathaniel and I gasp. He looks like shit. His hair is not even combed, his eyes red with bags underneath, his skin looks pale unlike his toned one. He looks at me for a second then to my pocket.

"Can I see that?" his voice is weak and scratchy.

"What happened to you? Are you alright?" I ask bring the back of my hand to his forehead. It is hot. He flinches away.

"Asthma?" he clearly states before I could question more. I nod looking at him again, he brings his sleeve to his mouth and painfully cough. "You shouldn't have come to school, you're sick."

"I didn't want to stay home either." He takes a step to stand next to me and leans on my locker, his shoulders heavily rising and sinking with every breathe he takes.

"But you're not fine Nate, you're bound to get worse it literally freezing out there." He nods and coughs again, but doesn't really suggests to go home.

"C'mon, I'm taking you out of here." I hold his hand.

"I don't want to go home, I'll worry my dad El... let's just stay here." He suggests.

I could have let him come to my house but Andy is there. He is a dick! And he will act a dick towards my boyfriend.

"Should I take you to the school nurse?" he stands straight and looks at me biting onto his bottom lip. He brings his hand to his eyes and starts to scratch them. "They'll call my dad." he says.

"You took your inhalers or something?" he nods still rubbing his eye, then he stops widening his eyes. "I should take these off." he points at his eyes.

Nathaniel washes his hands once his lenses are off, he securely places them in their case and washes his hands. He looks at me and I get to see his eyes. I smile at his beauty and he returns with a small smile.

"But Nathaniel- you have to go home..." I tell him.

"No, no.." he breathes in. "I'll go anywhere that's not..." out. "my house."

I contemplate on what on to. He can't spend the whole day here, It's better I let him come to my house, I'll try to sneak in and not allow Andy to see us, because he will torture me for good. I sigh and look at him, he is leaning on a sink. "Okay, what if you come to my house?"

Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now