a place beneath the stars

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  "Cam! How's the cheer for tomorrow's prom going?" my assistant cheer captain, Gen, asked.

  "Bad, very, very bad. I can't make one, I've tried, but I can't,"

  "Are you seriously telling me that the best cheer captain on Earth has lost her cheer making skills?"

  "Well, Gale was supposed to help me, but he's been very distant lately,"

  Gale was my boyfriend. He's always helped me in making the cheers, but he's been distant and busy these days. Gen looked at me for a second, sighed and said, "Fine. I'll make the cheer for now. We can't perform tomorrow with just a routine. We need a cheer, ASAP. It's prom for cheese's sake,"
I hugged her, and promised to make it up to her by treating her on Saturday.

  She and I practiced the team some more. Gen was right, we can't perform this without a cheer, it'd be disastrous.

  We were practicing for the nth time when my phone rang. I excused myself from practice and answered. It was Gale.

  "Where on Earth have you been? Do you have any idea how much I missed you? I wasn't even able to make the cheer, I cannot believe-" but before I could say more, he interrupted me.

  "Cam, I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore," no, no way. He can't possibly?

  "A-are you breaking up with me?" tears stung my eyes. I tried holding back a sob.

  "I'm sorry, I really am. I have to, okay? It's for everyone's sake,"

  Everyone's sake? Excuse me?
"Goodbye Cam,"

  Then the call ended. I stood still there in the field, frozen, with my phone beside my ear. Tears were streaming down my face.
  I'm not sure how long I was there, but minutes later, Gen was shaking me.

  "Cam? Cam! Hey!" I blinked my eyes  and looked at Gen.

  "He broke up with me Gen, I can't believe this,"

  "Looks like you're out of cheer literally, and figuratively. Why don't you go back to your dorm? Rest up a bit? We have to look our finest tomorrow,"

  I nodded, and trudged along the field, towards the dorm.


Later that night, I received a text from Gen. She was asking if the cheer she made was alright.

  The cheer sounded familiar though, that writing style...

  It can't be, right?


  At the night of prom, music was blasting. Most of the student body was already on the dance floor. We just finished performing, and right after, I saw Gen, enveloped in Gale's arms. 

  I didn't have the heart to confront them, which is why I was here, outside, beneath actual stars, not the decor the Student Council made.

  "Rough night?" a voice behind me asked. I looked to where it came from and saw him. It was the Student Council president, Allen.

  "Yeah, pretty much," I replied back.

  "Wanna vent it out?"

  "It's a long one,"

  "Try me,"

  And so I did. We spent the rest of the night there, under the stars.

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