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Car crash?

"So do you want me to just follow you round to yours now or come later?" I ask Bella opening the door of my car and she stands at the front of it.

"You can just follow me round I have nothing else to do." She shrugs and I nod.

"Listen... you know how the biology trip requires a slip filled in by your parent or guardian... do you think that Charlie would maybe... well not that he's my guardian but I uhhh-"

"I'm sure he'll be happy to sign it Theo." Bella smiles and I smile back thankfully before she walks to her car which is parked in front of mine and slipping to the floor. I laugh out loudly gripping my stomach as I do while she glares and then I'm slipping to the ground myself and Bella begins laughing. Suddenly a car is whirling towards us and I start repeating;

"Not my car not my car not my car!" While getting louder each time. When it gets inches away from me is when I remember I'm a vampire with super strength and my arms go flying out in front of me pushing the car away. Turning I see Edward had moved next to Bella and pushes the car away the same;

"Not your car? Really?" Bella says breathlessly.

"Well I was also thinking about you don't worry."

"I was meaning yourself!" I wave her off not really listening from being in shock of the possibility of death, granted it wasn't actually a possibility but I completely forgot about it at the time.

"Fay!" I stand up and turn to see a blurry Jasper coming towards me.

"I think I'm going to pass out. I didn't even know that was possi-" I cut myself off when I fall forward into Jaspers arms hearing a soft chuckle from Rosalie. I am truly the worst vampire in the world.


"It sure as hell is not okay." I blink a couple times to adjust to the bright lights above me. I haven't slept in 97 years. I don't like it.

"Dad, it's not his fault-"

"We nearly lost you."

"But you didn't!" I exclaim sitting up abruptly and Charlie and Bella let out a shocked gasp.

"Good to see you're up Theo." I smile jumping out of bed and the nurse comes running over;

"You should lay back down sweetie."

"I'm fine. I was just shocked. I'm fine now thanks." I nod walking over to Bella and sitting on her bed.

"I heard the Chief's daughter was here." I look up to see a blonde, beautiful doctor entering the room where I instantly tell he's a Vampire.

"Hello Dr. Cullen." My eyes widen. It is not the 'meet the parents' time. Standing up abruptly I walk towards the door ignoring the calls from Dr Cullen and everyone else and shout over my shoulder.

"Gotta go!"

Rushing down the corridors I see Edward walking my way and nod once;

"Hello." He grips my arm before I get too far and I'm spun round, I don't get to say anything before Edwards hand comes flying out and slapping me across the cheek. I take a breath before turning slowly back to him.

"Thankyou." He nods and for a couple of seconds we just stand here before we both burst out in laughter.

"Y-you slapped me!" I manage out through my giggles.

"You were freaking out about being in the same room as Jaspers adoptive dad." He laughs back.

"I'm so awkward" I laugh out as he says "you're so awkward." And we both burst back out in laughter. After sobering up I let out a breath before saying;

"Good chat. Glad we can be here for each other." He smiles and I turn and walk away pausing when I reach the door and take into consideration how stupid all of that must have seemed before shrugging and leaving. I'm weird so what? Edward is definitely my favour male Cullen. Wait. Jasper doesn't count he's different. Wait what about Emmett. God damn. Being so indulged in my own strange mind I don't realise Jasper is sat on the bonnet of his car staring at me.

I smile awkwardly and walk over to him sitting next to him gently.

"Sorry about the whole fainting on you thing. I guess at the time I completely forgot I was already dead and was scared for my life." I laugh. It definitely wasn't because I was thinking so intensely about your gorgeous looks or beautiful accent or amazing personality and our mate bond that is making me want to jump your bones...

"It's fine. You seemed to be thinking about a lot that had you feeling..." hormonal? Because your right. "Conflicted." He drawled out.

"Yeah... Oh- Edward is in there. So is your dad... didn't speak to him though. I actually ran away but we don't really need to get into that..." I laugh awkwardly at the end and he raised a brow confused but I glare at him silently telling him not to question it.

"I know Edward went in to see how Bella was-"

"That's dangerous. He knows that right?"

"Yeah" Jasper nods "But they're mates. You can't really tell him to stay away. I think he's trying to though." I nod in understanding,

"So what are you doing out here then? Because I didn't really see you and Bella with such a close friendship?" He laughs shaking his head as if I've said the most idiotic thing in the world.

"We don't. That would be quite a difficult task I think." I nod completely knowing where he comes from as I constantly find myself having to get away from her, "I'm here to see how you are. I was going to come in but..." he drifts off. I look up slightly to my side at him with a stupid school girl smile,

"You coming to check up on me huh Jazz? You getting soft?" He scoffs wrapping his arm round my shoulders and pulling me into his hard chest as a way to tell me to shut up and I giggle wrapping one arm around his back.

"I'm a vampire Jasper."

"Doesn't mean you're ok" He points out,

"I mean it kind of does. Physically anyway."

"Maybe I was asking mentally, or socially which I know is a no-" I pout at his joke "Or intellectually or financi-"

"Ok Ok I get it!" I exclaim digging my fingers of the hand wrapped round him into his side.

"You gunna take me home or what?" I ask and he grins down at me.

"Of corse Ma'am." I smile and he leads me to the passenger side of his door.

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