Her little flaw

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Title: Her little flaw
Author: AKI
Pairing: Yabu Kota x Arioka Daiki
Rating: PG
Warning: gender switch (Daiki, Kei, Yuri and Ryosuke), language and bad grammar
Summary: Colonel Yabu Kota was madly inlove with his wife until she died, when a thief broke into their house and killed her while protecting their children. He swore to seek justice and lock in jail, each and every thief he could catch. Arioka Daiki is a notorious and famous robber, thief and pickpocket raised in the streets of London but was taken by Ueda Tatsuya and groomed her, trained her to be a refined woman and let her work as a governess. As the saying ''old habits die hard,'' she was caught by Tatsuya stealing a woman's purse and as punishment, she was sent to the countryside to be the governess of Colonel Yabu Kota's children.

''My lady, stop it! It hurts!''  Arioka Daiki is currently on all fours and her butt is aching due to her lady, Ueda Tatsuya's spanking.
''No. You should learn your lesson!'' Lady Tatsuya hit her again with her wooden stick.
''Forgive me, my lady. I promise I won't so it again. Please stop!''
The door opened revealing Lady Tatsuya's soon-to-be husband, Lord Nishikido Ryo.

''Tat-chan! What are you doing?!''
''This girl. I caught her robbed a woman downtown!''
''Again? Dai-chan!''
''But..but..I need exercise!''
Her statement made Tatsuya a more evil monster and hit her again.
''Exercise?! You call stealing your exercise?!''
''Tat-chan, that's enough. There's a better way to punish her without hitting her, you know?''
''Yes, my lady. Lord Nishikido's right.'' Daiki smiled brightly, forgetting her aching and stinging backside.
''Shut up!'' Lady Tatsuya gave her her most painful hit.

She was still soothing her backside as she walked the hallway back to her room. She was welcomed by her roommate, Jingyuji Yuta who giggled to see her pained expression.

''What's funny?!''
''Tsk!'' Daiki decided to ignore the younger and went to fix her bed instead. She stopped when she felt Yuta poking her butt.
''You have perfectly shaped and toned butt, Dai-chan. Is it because Lady Tatsuya spank you every time?''
''Yuta, shut up! And stop poking my butt, it hurts!'' She laid on her stomach and buried her face on her pillow.
''Ne--Dai-chan, you should stop stealing or you'll never find a man who will marry you.''
''Phuleeeeaaase! I don't care. Besides, I'm still young.''
''How old are you, again? Twenty-three? You are way beyond young. Come on.''
''It's alright. I'm not in a hurry.''
''Unlike purse and wallets, a man's heart is difficult to steal.''
''This is coming from a seventeen-year old brat.Ouch! Mou--It hurts.'' She dropped back to bed while rubbing her butt.
''I'm just saying, If you're not going to stop stealing, no man would want to marry you. I'm worried, you know?''
''Are you my mother?''
''I might be, since you're so childish.''
Daiki ruffled Yuta's hair.
''I'm not going to get married or fall-in-love for that matter.''
''But everybody deserves to love and have someone to love them back.''
''I don't believe in love, Yuta. Never. I just want to have money. If I have money, I don't need a man.''
''Let's sleep.''  Daiki pulled the younger to her embrace and again dropped on the bed. Minutes later, they were asleep.

''Come in.''
Daiki excitedly opened the door to Tatsuya's office. She's sure a job is waiting for her for Lady Tatsuya is on her serious-business mode.
''You have a job for me, my lady?''
''Yes. I want you to leave as soon as possible for this is urgent.''
''My belongings are always ready!''  She gave Tatsuya a salute.

Lady Tatsuya handed her a letter which she accepted.

''You will depart for Sherborne, Dorset tomorrow morning.''
''D-Dorset..did you say Dorset, my lady?''
''Yes. Any problem?''
''My lady. That's too far!''
Lady Tatsuya shrugged.
''It's a job Dai-chan. The kind of job you do everytime.''
''I don't want to go there! Find me a job here in London.''
''There's no vacancy here in London, but the one in Dorset is good.''
''Then why don't you send somebody else? Why me?''
''You're the eldest among the governess and you have the most experience, that's why I'm sending you.''
''Liar! You just want to punish me for what I did. My lady, I promise, really promise not to steal again just don't send me there!'' Daiki knelt beside her lady and begged.
''Grow up, Dai-chan! You cannot stay like this and stay here forever! You will be going to Dorset whether you like it or not and don't put our name into shame! Do you understand?''

Daiki grudgingly nodded. Lady Tatsuya was angry and she's scared. So scared that the lady would throw her back to the streets if she doesn't do as she's told. Lady Tatsuya noticed that the life in the playful eyes of the younger had died. She knelt down to hug her.

''You will be fine in Dorset. You were given a good offer. You will be paid three times, the amount of your current salary. Your needs will be provided by the lord for the duration of your stay. You can come home twice a month to visit us. This is your home, Dai-chan.

Daiki just nodded before she picked up the letter and excused herself.

Yuta placed Daiki's food on the bedside table. Her friend refused to go out or eat her meals after Lady Tatsuya decided to send her away from London. Yuta joined Daiki in bed and hugged her.

''I'll miss you, Dai-chan.'' She cried silently.

''Promise me, you'll be good girl. Ne--Yuta?''
''I promise.''
''And don't bully your new roommate.''
''I won't. I'll just keep reminding her that this room belongs to the two of us.''
''Fine! I won't bully her!''
''I'll miss you, too.''  Daiki sat up to hug the younger woman.

''What?! What do you mean we're going to stay here for the night?'' Daiki was about to explode in anger. Her butt is sore sitting in the carriage the entire day and still won't reach her destination.
''But lady. We will be in danger if you insist on reaching Sherborne at this hour!''
''But it's still early!''
''It would take us another two hours and there are thick woods along our way. Thieves and robbers lurk the area!''
''I'm not scared of thieves or robbers and it's just two hours. Let's go.''
''No, my lady. Please!''
''Fine! I'll take the coach and continue the journey by myself!''  Daiki walked out of the inn.
''My lady! Come back here. My lady!''

She was grumbling as she rides the carriage to Sherborne.

''Stupid Lady Tatsuya! She has sent me to this god-forsaken place.'' She bit her lips to stop her tears as she entered the thick woods.
''I want to go home...sniff.''

Not long after, three men attacked her carriage. Her horse was startled causing her to fall onto the damp ground.

''Ewwww!'' She struggled to get up while wiping the mud and dirt but she stopped to see the men rummaging her trunk.
''Hey! Don't touch my belongings, you assholes!''

She ran and kicked one of the three men. Before the man fell, he was able to grip her sleeves ripping her clothes and revealing her smooth skin.

''Ahhhhhh! My dress! Do you know how expensive this is?'' She punched the man.
''It's worth one week of my salary!''
''Do you know hard it is to take care of spoiled little brats?!''
She was so furious and kept on punching the man.
''I bought that dress by making myself a slave to evil little brats!''
''Ahhhh! My expensive dress!''  She kicked the man who's now unconscious.

She turned to the other two.
''I earned those jewel and money, so give them back!''
''No way, lady. Finders keepers!''
''I said, give them back!''

She panicked when she saw a necklace in the hands of the irritating man.

Mother's necklace!

She stormed at them determined to get the money she worked to hard to earn, either from working or stealing. And she wouldn't give her mother's necklace to anybody!

Two men are still stronger than one woman. She was easily overpowered. One of the men slapped her causing her vision to blur. She bit her lips hard until they bleed for her to regain her consciousness. She took her dagger under her skirt and stabbed one of the men.

''Shit! This woman!'' He punched Daiki in the stomach and knocked her unconscious. She fell on the muddy puddle but she clenched her fist tightly, not wanting to let go of the necklace. Before she completely lost consciousness, she heard gunshots and sound of galloping horses.

''Colonel, we caught two men. Of of them has stab wound I believe was made by this woman.''
Yabu Kota nodded.
 He looked at the unconscious woman. He scooped her up from the puddle earlier. He tried to take the necklace from her, but even in her unconscious state, she refused to let go of the thing.

More horses came and his bestfriend, Yaotome Hikaru ran to him.

''Kota! Are you alright?''
''Yes.''  He removed his coat to wrap the woman's almost exposed body.
''Who is that?''  He pointed to the woman.
''No idea.''
''Well, search her body for any identification.''

Kota pouted but he knelt down to check on Daiki's body. He found a letter hidden under her dress and it's addressed to him.

''What does it say?''
''She was sent here by Lady Tatsuya. She is the new governess for my children.''
''Then, she's your responsibility. Do you need help in taking her back to the manor?''
''No. I'll take her. Can you go back to the headquarters and give the report?''

Hikaru gave the order to chain the men to be brought back to headquarters while Kota carried Daiki to his horse and rode back to his manor.

Troublesome woman

**Note: It was originally a TaDaiki fic since I cannot find the chemistry between Yabu and Arioka. I had to imagine these two in a love scene until I finally convinced myself to make this a YabuDai fic instead. I hope to bring out the chemistry between this unlikely pair. I myself will wait for the ''spark'' of love between them. 

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