3: Fan Girl.

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Oh. My. God.

My mouth gapes open.

That wasn't a dream.

Humor slices through his blue eyes and a shit-eating grin is plastered on his face.

"Ohmygod!" I squeal. "IsthatrealyyouOhmygodHarleyDanielsOhmygodIthinkimgunnahaveaheartattack!!!"I start hyperventilating. "OhmygodHarleyDanielsisinmyhouseOhmygodheisinmyhousehewasinmyroom!!!"

Oh my god! He was in my room.

"Hey, calm down." Harley motherfucking Daniels said. "Please don't faint again."


I slowly make my way to the kitchen table and sit down while taking deep breaths to calm myself.

"This why I said 'no names'." He said with amusement. "I wanted a day without high-pitched screams." He rubbed his ears in pain. "Ow, by the way."

"Sorry." I say guiltily after I've calmed down a bit. "It's just you're Harley Daniels and you're in MY house and I'm talking to you and I love you and you're super amazing and," I rambled on and on. "you're voice is like heaven and I think you are amazing and I already said amazing and..." I couldn't stop. I Was like a robot; my mind kept yelling at me to shut up but my mouth wouldn't listen. "and you're like the greatest guitarist alive and I own every album of Murder By Numbers and..." My face heated up like lava when I put my hand over my mouth to silence my rampage.

Harley Daniels started laughing. My face melted with embarrassment when he doubled over griping his diaphragm. He gasped for air as another round of laugher hit him.

"Wow." I said feeling stupid. "I'm being laughed at by my idol. I'm so stupid." I placed my head in my hands to hide my crazy fan-girl shame.

" I'm. So. Sorry." He said between giggle fits and gasps of air. "It's. Just. Your. Reaction. Was. Just. So..."

"Humiliating?" I inserted. After he controlled himself he sat down next to me.

"Cute." Once he words left his lips, my mind stopped and my heart soared. "Can I tell you a secret?" He asked, a smile still on his beautiful lips. I mumbled a 'yes' not trusting myself not to switch back to fan girl. "I've seen worse." He chuckled. "Shit, I've been worse." I drop my face into my hands again.

"That doesn't make this any less embarrassing."

He walks to the lake of milk on the floor. "In my seven years of performing, I've never had a girl cry over spilled milk because of me. Where do you keep the towels or a mop?"

"Um..." I said, still disoriented. " over here." I stand and walk to the pantry. Inside I grab the mop that rests next to the washing machine.

I backtrack to the puddle where 'perfection' stood. When I was about to clean up the mess, a hand grabbed on the mop handle. Looking up I was met with the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Let me do it." His full lips said.

"N-no I-I've got it." I stuttered still starstruck. His grip on the mop got stronger.

"Please, I insist. It was, after all, my fault." Gently, he removed the mop from my grasp and began to clean the spill.

After five minutes he said, "All done. See, I'm not just a pretty face." He looked at me and smiled as he leaned the mop against the counter.

A loud ringing woke me from my fan girl fog and made both of us jump. A thick black layer of smoke began to coat the ceiling.

"Oh my god, the fire alarm!" I looked around the kitchen in a panic.

"Shit, the pancakes!!" he rushed over to the stove. He turned the stove off and smothered with a pan lid and water the pan while I fixed the alarm. "This is why I don't cook!" he yells to the pan.

"Don't blame the pancakes." I open every window in the kitchen to release the foot-thick smoke. "We really should get out of here." I run outside, hoping to avoid the grey vortex over head.

"Let's go out for breakfast." Harley said in defeat, sprinting from the kitchen.

"Um..ok." I said slowly. "Though I don't know if you noticed this but there aren't a whole lot of choices out here." he thought about that for a moment.

"Well, you know this place better, what do you suggest?"

I grabbed my bag and keys and closed to the front door.

"So, where we going?" I asked walking to my parking space. "I'll drive." I froze in a panic.  "Dude, Where's my car??"

"You were so shit-faced last night that I called a cab."

"A cab? In Oregon? Do those even exist?" I asked. He just nodded.

"Is there a restaurant that serves good breakfast at," he pulls a purple cat-shaped phone out of his pocket and checks the time. "1:40 pm and is walking distance?"

I though about it for a second before saying "Yea, there is a little bakery about a block down." He links his arm with mine.

"Lead the way!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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