Chapter THREE

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Chapter THREE


My dream that night was about the boy in the corner but his features were more defined and I could see the light glisten off his eyes. It gave him a feeling of being real, that someone this perfect could exist in real life.

His dreams usually were vague, like I could see him but hadn't really seen him before. His feelings were always the most prominent. He was happy mostly, but his feels changed months ago when the dreams began to feature another person. A girl who was probably his mate based on how the dreams made me feel.

I groaned in my sleep and turned over. When I'd opened my eyes I was surprised to see the sunrise through the trees that usually blocked my view. I smiled despite the sick feeling in my stomach, something was off but I wasn't sure what.

"Are you up?" My mother asked as she knocked softly on my door, opening it slightly so I could hear children fighting in the hallway.

"Yeah, just need to get dressed," I assured her while pushing back the comfort and hopping out of bed.

"Great." She smiled before shutting the door again. I sighed and then waved my hand behind me and I heard the sheets rustle as it made itself. My outfit was already picked out so I just quickly put them on. Grabbing my bag I headed downstairs.

Peter was holding a crying Harper as my mother was making breakfast for everyone else. "Aw, thank you. Do your magic." He held out the crying baby for me.

Dropping my bag I took Harper and whispered softly in Latin until she calmed down enough that she began hiccuping. I smiled, "You're just hungry aren't you."

"How... you know what, I don't really care." Peter sighed, his hand running down his face with relief. "Here you go, AB positive. Just like the little monster likes."

I grinned and gave her the bottle, the sharp suck noise telling me that she was indeed thirsty. "Have yours so you don't go all Vamp at school." I nodded my head to the table.

He smirked, "I got it covered." He patted his backpack before slinging it over his shoulder. I narrowed my eyes at him in a warning but he just laughed, "Don't worry, I won't get caught."

Harper gave a whine as the bottle emptied and I set it down on the counter. She gave a coo of delight before she snuggled into my chest and slowly allowed her eyes to close.

"The bus is here," I called and everyone started to make their way out. Handing over Harper to my mother with a smirk I kissed her forehead, "Where's Luca?" I asked just now noticing that I hadn't seen him yet.

"Um, I think he said something about doing something before school. Didn't he tell you?" She asked her eyes raised in questioning. Luca had never withheld anything from me before, she knew this.

"Maybe I forgot." I shrugged although I was almost positive I hadn't. "See you after school."

"Lils?" She called behind me.


"The portal opens at Five." She reminded me.

"Right." I nodded and waved before running to the bus.

The bus was waiting and I smiled at the driver before sitting next to Peter. "No Luca?" He asked.

"No, he had to do something before school." I shook my head, "He's probably already there."

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