Chapter ONE

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Chapter ONE


17 years later - Lily's POV

Rain lashed against my window as I stared up at the dark ceiling of my bedroom. Throwing the covers off of me I slid out of bed and made my way down the stairs, toys and books cluttered every inch of our house so I wasn't surprised to step on one of the little boy's toy trucks.

I hissed in pain and hopped into the kitchen, where the light was already on. My foster mom, or just mom to me, was cradling Harper, the sick newborn that was dropped off last week.

"Did she wake you?" Mom asked as she looked up at my appearance.

Shaking my head I opened the fridge and grabbed a juice box. "No, I couldn't sleep," I told her, taking the bar stool across the counter.

"Too excited for your birthday?" She asked with a smile.

I shrugged as I sipped my juice. "Probably more nervous to pass my Witch test more than anything. I still haven't mastered the final two spells and I haven't even read up on my weekly potion this week."

"I'm sorry, I wish I could help." She told me as she looked down at Harper who was whining softly. "Maybe I could call Mae and see if she has any tips."

"I've already asked." I laughed sheepishly, "She told me that I just need to focus but I can't focus. I have all this stuff to do and with school work, my birthday and having even an inch of a social life, I just can't..."

"It'll get better, Lily. I promise. Once you finished school, you'll figure things out." She told me confidently. I rolled my eyes, and boardly started to levitate the empty juice box. "See you're already so good."

"I've been doing this since I was three, if not before then." I grinned over at her.

"Well, you're still really good at it." She shrugged and Harper started to whimper louder. "It's alright Harper, I've got you."

"Maybe you should try the AB positive," I suggested and my mother glared at me as she placed the bottle back on the counter.

"You think I haven't tried that?" She sighed, "Peter only had to try two types before O negative worked for him. But I've been through all the types with her and she doesn't want any of them."

"Maybe she's not a Vampire." I tried.

"She's definitely a Vampire." Mom sighed again, "She has the scent of one, I just don't know what kind of blood she wants."

I grinned, "Animal blood?"

My mom hit me on my shoulder and laughed, "Don't joke about that, half of the people in this house would be offended, including myself, if she ended up drinking animal blood."

"What if she likes deer, would that be offensive?" I asked honestly.

"I guess not." She mumbled, "It's just animal blood makes me queasy."

"And Human blood doesn't?" I laughed.

"No. Not really." She shook her head, "I've raised around a dozen Vampires and that hasn't made me sick yet, but Hank tried some moose blood once. The smell was atrocious."

"See Hank trying animal blood doesn't bother me, maybe it's because we eat animals." I shrugged, "To each Vamp their own I suppose."

I hopped off the stool and reached for the baby, which my mother was all too happy to surrender to me. Harper's whimper stopped once I had her cradled to my chest and I grinned up at my mom.

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