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WARNING! MATURE CONTENT. This chapter contains sensitive matter that sole purpose is for the plot progress. I apologize in advance.

oh, you loved me 'cause I'm fragile
when I thought that I was strong
but you touch me for a little while
and all my fragile strength is gone
~ gravity by sara bareilles

Dylan slammed the door behind him and threw his keys onto the table. He groaned in frustration as he kicked a chair in front of him.

"DAMN IT!" He yelled in frustration as he threw his jacket to the chair. He went straight to his storage for alcohol and reached for vodka. He gulped it straight from its bottle out of his frustration.

"Damn it, that woman!"

Yue was driving him crazy!

He was just from Jia Qi's house where Yue lived now. He was there almost every single day since she came home from hospital. Yue had refused his offer to take care of her and their baby by living in Dylan's house. She preferred to live with Jia Qi. And no, she didn't tell him the reason. One thing she said when she decided to move in back with Jia Qi was, "I thought you already knew the reason..."

Of course! He should have known Yue would never forgive him that easily.Of course, she had to make him suffer first! Usually he would understand it but now he had enough!

Weeks, he had been trying to talk to her about that night, the dreadful night with that bitch. He tried to explain about the kiss, about Sun Qian who kissed him and he didn't kiss back, but she wouldn't listen. She shut him down whenever he brought up the topic. Lately, she didn't even want to see him anymore. There were always excuses whenever he came to Jia Qi's to meet her. And he had enough today!

They had their real fight earlier today. He was extremely mad at her and practically yelled at her when she was just sitting there at Jia Qi's living room, staring at him coldly. She looked like an idiot, hoping that somehow her childish action would magically resolve their problem, or maybe she was hoping she could undo what had happened in their lives. He stated that to Yue before fled from her room. He still remembered her face when he said it. It was pure shock and hurt on her face. And he also still remembered what he said to her.

"You are the most stubborn person I've ever met. You're playing with me and you don't even listen to me! I've spent weeks, trying to tell you the truth but you don't want to listen. You wouldn't let yourself to. Instead, you close your ears,youreyes, jumping into conclusion, using your stupid judgmental side! You're always like that! Everything is always about you! You and you and you! You don't want to listen to anyone!"

Dylan rubbed his face tiredly as his voice echoing inside his head over and over again. His mind kept repeating the look on Yue's face. Her eyes were mixture of pain, hurt and agony. And he hated himself for making Yue felt that way. He sounded like a girl, who wailing and whining because he couldn't have what he wanted. He wanted Yue to listen to him and believed him. But he couldn't make her to. He was frustrated about everything. The pregnancy, Sun Qian thing and about Yue hated him. He took it out on her.

After yelling at her like that, he fled from Jia Qi's and went straight to his house, sitting his miserable ass on this damn cold floor, drinking a bottle of vodka!

Dylan wiped his tears, felt irritated because he didn't even know why his tears coming out. Probably because this alcohol which already filled his body and warmed his stomach, or probably because of what he had said to her.

Gosh, such awful things he had said to her. Because of his own frustration, he took it out to Yue. It was his fault, nonetheless, but Yue was also at fault. She was distant and cold toward him. He felt hurt of her sudden coldness toward him. He thought that they had already conquered their problem, that she actually believed him. But obviously she didn't. Even though they hugged at that time in hospital when she first acknowledged about their baby and he actually felt like they were cherishing that moment together. It was only brief blissful moment and then it went away so quickly. As soon as they pulled apart, Yue was also pulling away from him; heart, mind, body and soul.

TOUCH - Dylan Wang & Shen Yue AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now