~Not His Queen~

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Not His Queen

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Not His Queen

''No!'', I yelled, covering my ears as I turned my back on him. ''You're wrong! He loves me, I know he does!'', I kept saying, over and over again, refusing to listen to him.

He sighed, placing his hands on my shoulders. ''Silly girl...'', I could almost hear him chuckle. ''Can't you see the truth right in front of you?'', he came closer, so close I could feel his warm breath against my ear. ''This, is his little kingdom...'', he then gently forced me to turn around. I opened my eyes, only to see the love of my life, the man I married and vowed to always be faithful to, kissing another woman's lips. A sharp pain surged through my whole body, as I began to tremble, trying to seize my upcoming sobs. His next words shattered every last piece of my whole little world. ''...and you're not the queen anymore.''

As my first tear landed on the ground, I couldn't agree more. Yet, that night I made a vow. Not to anyone, but me. That night, I knew I was no longer his queen. But I wished for the crown, I longed for him to feel the pain. And, after all, what's a king without his kingdom?

A little piece just to get started! I hope you liked it, I'd love to hear your thoughts or even read something of your own if you too got inspired from this prompt! 

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A little piece just to get started! I hope you liked it, I'd love to hear your thoughts or even read something of your own if you too got inspired from this prompt! 

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