~They Wished For A Monster~

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They Wished For A Monster

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They Wished For A Monster

A scream echoed through the room, loud and clear. The blood painted the floor with its scarlet stains, writing on my feet my brother's last words. I crooked a half-faced smile and looked at my sister-in-law with a dangerous calmness in dark purple pupils.

''How... How could you... Your own flesh and blood?'', she kept asking, kneeling beside her husband's lifeless body. She brushed her fingertips across his cold cheeks as hot tears ran down her wet green eyes. They landed on his blood-soaked lips and it was as if she was trying to bring him back to her.

I almost laughed, not at her pain, but  at the slightest of hope I could still see in her. In time, I came to understand. That was the curse of the human kind; to live in hope, even when Death himself whispers in your ear.

She turned her furious, painful, almost black eyes, piercing through me. I took a sharp breath, almost taken back from her overwelming hate. She seemed as if she was trying to find a g sigh of guilt, something that would give away any emotion in me. I felt pride when disappointment filled her eyes. ''You... You're a monster! A monster! No God shall ever forgive you! Your handσ will always be stained with your own brother's blood!'', her high pitched voice was full of vengeance and pain.

I sighed. Truth was, I couldn't care less for any of her words. After all, they were the ones who wished for a monster. I only gave them one...

Another one and maybe my favorite so far! I'm sorry that I couldn't find the prompt, but the first pic gets close enough to it

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Another one and maybe my favorite so far! I'm sorry that I couldn't find the prompt, but the first pic gets close enough to it. Hope you like it! Have a good day/night!

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