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Kirishima watches his friend stomp away in a huff. What's his deal? He'd usually just make a snarky comment about texting and walking and then move on. What's got him so worked up? Eijirou trots after him, not wanting to get left behind. He holds onto the blond's shoulder, earning a frustrated glare. "Man, what's going on? You've been acting all weird since USJ, before that even. I'm a little bummed out by it! We're bros. Bros gotta tell each other when somethin' isn't right. Right?"

"Who the fuck said we're friends?" Bakugou scowls, pulling away from the redhead's touch.

"I did! And I've asked you about it before! You said you would tell me. Fess up," he puts his hand back, hardening it and tightening his grip. "I'm not letting go until you tell me at least a part of it."

The angry boy furrows his eyebrows in surprise. "Are you fucking serious?" The question's rhetorical, but he's still met with an overly confident 'YES.' Their gazes meet dangerously. Katsuki stares him down, observing his bright red eyes. Soon, his mind drifts over to the scar on his eyelid. It makes his lashes look longer. Why is he paying attention to that? Nevermind. "Fine. Come over for dinner. My mom'll talk your ear off before you even get the chance to ask me anything, I promise you that much."

"Is that a challenge? A 'survive your mom's endless string of mom-talk' challenge?" The happier of the two grins. In Katsuki terms, this invitation is the ultimate sign of respect. Eijirou can't wait to rub it in Kaminari's face. The golden sky lights their path as they set out to their next destination: the Bakugou household. Even though he doesn't know much about his buddy, he's always assumed he lived in a chaotic family unit. Today's the day he'll finally find out the truth.

"Mom talk is tame. You don't know what you're getting into." The blond pulls out his phone and sends his mom a quick text. Unfortunately, it's near impossible to say something brief to this lady.


Katsuki: some bastard is coming for dinner dont cook horseshit

bitch: I already started! You're too late, sucker. I get to make what I want. Maybe you could get to pitch in if you actually got home on time.

Katsuki: dont fucking sass me you know i could damn well make a goddamn FEAST if i wanted to

bitch: Whatever you say. Don't you have homework?

Katsuki: yes but have you considered i dont give a fuck

bitch: Oh, I think you'll give a fuck if you fail this semester. Get your ass on it.

Katsuki: goddammit woman


The suburb is lined with modern, American-style homes. Kids play in the street, a few moms are already calling them inside to eat. Kirishima can clearly see a forest lining the northern houses. The trees are black with shadows. He wonders if Bakugou's ever been there? That might be where his love of hiking comes from.

"I have two conditions," he sighs as his house comes into view. Only the bottom floor is illuminated, signifying that dinner will be ready shortly. Upon hearing his friend's voice again, Kirishima perks up. "One. Anything you hear from me or my mom or even my dad is absolutely fucking not to be repeated back at school. Under any circumstances. Two. Do not, I repeat, do not let them see your nasty ass shoes. They'll eat you alive."

The red-haired boy glances down at his footwear. "Aw! What's wrong with my crocs?"

"Everything," Bakugou sighs. He runs a hand through his spiky hair, kicking off his sneakers before stepping inside. "I'M BACK!" The smell of stir fry hits the two like a brick. Fooooooood!

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