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You're in shock, staring down at the 2 little lines indicating that you're pregnant. You don't understand how this could be happening right now. Well duh, you had sex. But you used protection, you thought that would keep you safe. You guess that's what you get for being seventeen and naive.

It was supposed to be the best night of your life; losing your virginity to Chris. He's your boyfriend, and has been since you turned fifteen. You were the envy of every girl at your school, for many reasons. Reason number one obviously being the fact that Chris is captain of the football team and drop dead gorgeous. Reason number two? You're the daughter of Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama. You live in a beautiful house. You have money. You have financial stability for life. Yeah, you know you're lucky, but what people don't realise is that in order for your parents to give you that stability and the beautiful house, they work for days and months on end. You can't remember the last time you sat down and had a meal around the dinner table where both parents were present.

So you spend your time with Chris and your friends, but mainly Chris. You can't get enough of each other. After you turned seventeen, you decided that he is the one you wanted to share your body with. You were ready, or so you felt. Chris was so happy when you told him, he promised to make it special for the both of you, since he too was a virgin. Again, so you thought. You did it when your parents were both out of town, trusting you to not throw a reckless party or anything. You waved goodbye to them, closed the door, and then got ready while Chris made his way over. You didn't seem to waste any time. It was good at first, kissing and touching. But then you got nervous, and you weren't so sure if you were ready after all. Chris assured you he would be gentle, so you trusted him. You made sure he used a condom, because you didn't want to get pregnant and your teachers always stressed the importance of it during sex-ed class. It hurt, a lot. You've never felt a pain like it before. It did get a little less painful but it still wasn't how the movies made it out to be. It wasn't this beautiful exchange of love from two people. It was more of you laying there, wondering when it's going to be over because you're aching, while Chris thought he was some gift from God.

Now fast forward one month, here you are sitting on the bathroom floor crying your eyes out. Never in your life have you wanted your period to come more, but no. Instead you're clutching a pregnancy test which may as well say your life is over on the front.

What is Chris going to think? Worse yet, what are your parents going to think? Oh God, your parents. The media. It'll be everywhere. There's no way you can tell them. But what other choice do you have? Abortion? Never in your life could you do something like that. Or could you? Fuck, you can't think.

You open up google, searching for what you're supposed to do if you think you're pregnant. Take a pregnancy test. Do you have tender breasts? Did you miss your period? Visit your doctor. Yes to all of that. All the websites stress that your pregnancy will be kept confidential, even if you're under the age of eighteen, so you bite the bullet and call your doctor.

"Los Angeles Medical Centre, how may I help you?"

"H-hi, I'm looking to make an appointment with my doctor. Dr Robbins?" you ask while staring at the tests in front of you, nibbling on your lower lip with anxiety.

"And what's your name?"

"Y/N Valderrama."

"House number?"

"Uh, 4355."

"Ah yes, here you are on the system. Can I ask what your appointment is regarding?"

Oh god. The lump in your throat only seems to grow bigger as panic rises in you. You can't believe you're doing this. More importantly, you can't believe you're doing this alone.

"I-I think I'm pregnant."

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