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With Ariella being close to nine months now, you feel like your body is slowly started to get back to how it was pre-pregnancy. Or, at least as close as it can get. You're always going to have the stretch marks, and at first you absolutely detested them. You wished that they would just disappear, but it was actually your mom who helped change your perspective.

"I can't believe your father did this for us, it's so nice!" your mom exclaims before laying down on one of the loungers by the spa's hot tub.

"Yeah, it's really great" you reply, hesitation in your voice and actions as you grasp ahold of the towel wrapped around your body. You've got a bikini on, which you're now questioning entirely. And it doesn't help that your mother has the figure of an actual Goddess.

"What's up baby?" she asks, and you have to shake your head, as if shaking away the negative thoughts. Your mom catches on to your anxiety, immediately sensing the issue. "Oh Y/N, you have absolutely no reason to hide your body. Especially from me. Your dad rented out the spa area so you don't even have to worry about anyone else seeing, if that's why you're nervous."

"I'm just still not used to the changes I guess" you say before sitting down on the lounger next to your mom, who is now sitting upwards to face you.

"Show me what you're not happy about and I'll tell you why you should love them."

You slowly remove the towel, revealing the multiple stretch marks across your hips and thighs, your stomach now no longer adorning a set of abs, your breasts almost double the size. You have the urge to cover yourself back up, but your mom grabs your hands in hers.

"First off, I think you are looking amazing for only giving birth six months ago so please stop being so hard on yourself Y/N" she starts, gently squeezing your hands. "Secondly, the stretch marks and bigger boobs are the result of carrying your beautiful baby girl for nine months. Your body is your baby's nourishment now, she needs her momma to feed her. And I promise, they do go back down in size, I mean look at me" she jokes, causing you both to laugh.

"Yeah, you're right" you reply, your voice shaky.

"Please don't hate your body. This is the body that carried my granddaughter and made sure she came out healthy, and look" your mom says, adjusting her swimsuit to reveal faint stretch marks of her own, "I have reminders as well, and I love them. I love looking in the mirror and thinking back to when I carried you."

"I love you, mom. Thank you so much for everything."

Your mom pulls you in for a cuddle, the both of you sniffling as tears threaten to fall.

"I love you too Y/N, my beautiful girl."


"Oh my gosh, Dad that picture is so cute. When did you take that?!" you gush, staring at the
post your dad put on his Instagram page.

⚪️⚪️⚪️ Liked by ddlovato, ynvalderrama and 996,209 otherswilmervalderrama Besitos for Papa💖 #tbtView all 43,501 commentsddlovato My heart just melted😍ynvalderrama daaaaaad! why am i only just seeing this?? she was so little😭

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⚪️⚪️⚪️ Liked by ddlovato, ynvalderrama and 996,209 others
wilmervalderrama Besitos for Papa💖 #tbt
View all 43,501 comments
ddlovato My heart just melted😍
ynvalderrama daaaaaad! why am i only just seeing this?? she was so little😭

"I cannot get over how tiny she looks here!" you squeal, your dad laughing at your reaction while he bounces Ariella on his knee.

"That was back when you and your mom went to the spa" he explains. "We has an Ari and Papa day didn't we? Yes we did!"

You love watching your dad interact with Ariella. It was something you always hoped for when you found out about your pregnancy. You thought your dad would resent you forever over it, but he's so incredibly smitten.

"Can you say Papa?" he asks, and you immediately interject.

"Oh no you don't" you say, now looking at your daughter. "Say ma-ma."

You both watch in anticipating as your daughter mumbles some sounds, her eyes focused on the both of you.

"Say ma-ma baby girl, ma-ma."

"Papa, can you say Papa?"

"Would you two leave the baby alone" your mom's voice interrupts, followed by her laugh.

"She's nearly saying her first word and dad's trying to get her to say papa but I want it to be mama" you explain, lightheartedness in your voice. Truth be told, you don't care what her first word is, you just want to be here for it.

"Pppp, mmm" Ariella mumbles, blowing spit bubbles with the effort her mouth is going to.

"Good girl baby, nearly there! Mama!" you encourage, watching as your daughter stares intensely at your dad as he mouths papa.


"Oh my gosh, did she say it?!" you nearly shout, careful not to scare Ariella. "Say mama. Mama!"

Everyone waits with bated breath, watching the little one as she continues to mouth out sounds.

"Come on Ari baby, say mama" your mom encourages, and eventually your dad too. You can tell he decided to give up on Papa being her first word since she's clearly got the M down.


"That's it baby girl, say Ma-Ma" your mom continues, and all you can do is hold your hand to your mouth and wait.


"Ah oh my goodness, yes baby girl!" you squeal, taking your daughter in your arms while your mom and dad clap their hands together, causing Ariella to do the same. She loves to copy these days. "You are so clever baby!!"

"See Y/N, I told you you had nothing to worry about!" your mom says, and you look over at her with the biggest smile on your face.

A mother is always right.

⚪️⚪️⚪️ Liked by ddlovato, maddelagarza and 1,242,001 othersynvalderrama I promise I don't have my daughter in a headlock but can you believe she said her first word today? So proud to be this little one's mama😘View all 54,320 commentswilmervalder...

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⚪️⚪️⚪️ Liked by ddlovato, maddelagarza and 1,242,001 others
ynvalderrama I promise I don't have my daughter in a headlock but can you believe she said her first word today? So proud to be this little one's mama😘
View all 54,320 comments
wilmervalderrama Smart just like her mother!
ddlovato @wilmervalderrama and grandma thank you very much!
diannadelagarza Ahhhhh so EXCITING!

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