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Being eight and a half months pregnant is really beginning to take a toll on your mental health. You feel exhausted already, and that's without the baby even being here yet. You're constantly uncomfortable, no position ever feeling right. You feel like a beached whale to put it lightly, and you can't help but look back at pictures of yourself pre-pregnancy and wish for a body like that again. Everything is changing; your ankles are swelling, your boobs are way bigger than they've ever been, you have some stretch marks. You don't feel beautiful.

So to say you're dreading this baby shower is an understatement. Your mom organised it all and she's over the moon with it. Your family are all going to be there, some who haven't seen you in your pregnant state at all. You deliberately refused to have any of your friends invited, but to be fair, they haven't made an effort to speak to you since you announced your pregnancy.

Staring at your reflection in the mirror, critiquing your outfit which consists of a floating white dress and slip on sandals, you try to get yourself feeling better. Your mom even curled your hair in the loose waves you like, and she had Jill come and do your make up so you would feel extra special on what they say is your 'special day to celebrate your baby'. You didn't have the heart to say that you didn't want a baby shower as you already feel like you're placing enough of a burden on this family, but the look on your mom's face was enough to keep your mouth shut. Instead, you would put on your best smile and try to enjoy the day as much as possible.

Opening instagram, you decide to post a picture and thank Jill and your mom.

⚪️⚪️⚪️ Liked by ddlovato, jillpowellglam, and 425,814 othersynvalderrama Thank you jillpowellglam for my make up, I feel like such a princess! And special thank you to my mom for arranging the best baby shower ever, I love you so much

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⚪️⚪️⚪️ Liked by ddlovato, jillpowellglam, and 425,814 others
ynvalderrama Thank you jillpowellglam for my make up, I feel like such a princess! And special thank you to my mom for arranging the best baby shower ever, I love you so much.
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ddlovato Pretty girl! And I love you more than you know!!
jillpowellglam It's no trouble at all Y/N, you are RADIANT!
diannadelagarza So excited to see you later, stunning girl!

Walking into the main lounge area, you see just how much work your mom put in. Theres a photobooth, balloons everywhere, a huge cake and a mountain of presents. You're shocked.

"There she is" your mom announces, and you smile in return, still trying to take in everything. "You look radiant baby girl."

"Thank you" you respond quietly, "mom this looks absolutely incredible!"

"It's not every day that you get to through your daughter a baby shower so of course I went all out" she giggles, and you immediately pull her in for a hug.

"I love you, thank you for everything" you say, your voice trembling with emotion. Hormones.

"I love you too sweetheart, no matter what."


Being surrounded by your family as they hand out present after present, you can't help but feel blessed. Regardless of the circumstances, you're grateful that you have family supporting you, even if the media enjoy dragging your name through the mud.

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