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Going to therapy has definitely been your saving grace lately. Your mom got you booked in with her therapist after your last breakdown, and you were given a lot of exercises to do in order to retrain your brain's way of thinking. It's still difficult, and you still have moments where you question your ability to be a good mother, but you quickly stop those negative thoughts from holding any power over you.

Ariella is now six months old and you can't believe how much she's growing up already. She can now hold her own head up and attempt to crawl. She also lets out a few giggles here and there, followed by the cheekiest little smile. You can already tell that she's going to love the camera when she's older. The minute she sees you or your parents with their iPhone, she cracks the biggest smile.

"Ariella, baby girl come see momma" you coo, laughing along with your daughter as she makes squealing noises of excitement, clasping her hands together.

"Come on pretty girl, crawl over to us!" your mom adds, watching on as Ariella shifts her weight onto her hands and knees, staring straight at the camera. "Good girl, that's it!"

You hold your breath with excitement, feeling so many emotions as you watch your daughter attempt to crawl over to you. It takes her a moment or two to figure out how to do it, but with a few babbles and giggles, she eventually shuffles her way over.

"Oh my god, she's actually doing it" you smile, reaching your arms out. "That's it baby girl, come see me!"

Your mom cheers your daughter on as you pull her up and onto your lap, smothering her in kisses.

"Aren't you the most clever little girl?!" you exclaim, smiling as your daughter replies in mumbles and giggles, her tiny hands now covered in her own drool.

"I swear to God I blinked and she grew up" your dad gushes, causing you and your mom to nod in agreement.

"I know, I can't help but feel like I didn't cherish all the little things like her first smile though" you admit, feeling your mood drop. "I was too fixated on everything else."

"Y/N, that's normal baby. Don't stress over it okay?" your mom explains, and you quickly wipe away your tears before they cascade down your face.

Everyone sits in silence, watching Ariella for a moment as she continues to clasp her hands together while sitting comfortably in your lap. You can't help but smile as you see the happiness radiating from your child. You must be doing something right for her to be this cheerful.

"I'm gonna tickle youuuuu" you sing, using your fingers to gently tickle your daughter's belly, an eruption of laughter escaping her. "I've gotcha!"

You hear your mom snapping pictures on her phone as you continue to play with Ariella, the dark cloud above your head already disintegrating. When you notice her little fists rub at her eyes, you decide that it's definitely nap time.

"Come on booger butt, it's sleepy time" you say softly, getting up from the couch with Ariella in your arms, her head already finding its place in the crook of your neck.

"Night baby girl" your mom whispers, kissing her granddaughter on the cheek before leaving you to put her down without a fuss.

⚪️⚪️⚪️ Liked by ddlovato, sirahsays and 875,321 othersynvalderrama Playtime with momma!📸: ddlovatoView all 32,865 commentsddlovato I can hear her laugh in this picture

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⚪️⚪️⚪️ Liked by ddlovato, sirahsays and 875,321 others
ynvalderrama Playtime with momma!
📸: ddlovato
View all 32,865 comments
ddlovato I can hear her laugh in this picture. She's a mini you baby girl!!
maddelagarza excuse me but when am i going to get to see this cutie again??
ynvalderrama @maddelagarza next weekend?!
maddelagarza YES! prepare for lots of cuddles ariella😘


"She settle down okay?" your mom asks while nursing a mug of tea, your dad doing the same.

"Yeah, went straight to sleep" you chuckle before collapsing down next to your mom, her hand now running through your hair.

"I am so proud of you" she whispers against your forehead, leaving a kiss. "Seriously Y/N, you've had to deal with a hell of a lot in a short amount of time but you're such an amazing mother."

"Thanks" you reply in a soft voice, feeling yourself tear up. "Now stop, I can't handle any more crying" you joke, stealing your mom's tea.

"You know you can make another one instead of stealing mine yeah?"

"Oh I know, but this works fine" you reply, giving your mom a cheeky smile.

"Yep, you're definitely Ariella's mother" your dad laughs, and you feel your heart almost wanting to burst with the love you have for that baby.

"What age did I say my first word? I'm scared I'll be away somewhere when Ariella says hers" you confess out the blue. Truth is, you've been focusing a lot on what milestones are meant to happen and when. You don't want to miss a single thing.

"Oh not until you were closer to ten months I think. But sweetheart don't stress over those things. You will witness it, I promise."

You look up at your mom who gives you a reassuring smile.

"Okay, I'll try. I feel like all I ever do is stress these days" you reply, taking another sip of tea.

"Which is exactly why I booked a spa day for you and your mom" your dad announces, causing you both to look over at him.

"Wait what?" you ask.

"Get your bags ready, I booked you both in for a spa treatment tomorrow. Don't worry Y/N, Ariella will be fine with her Papa for a few hours."

"But, but I've never left her before. What if she needs me?" you start to panic a little, the thought of being away from your daughter terrifying you.

"She will be fine Y/N. You can express some bottles of milk if she's hungry" your mom reassures you. "And don't forget, he raised you. He knows what he's doing."

"Damn right I do, best dad there ever was" your dad replies smugly, causing you to giggle. "We will be okay, go relax. Please?"

"Alright, thank you Dad."

The thought of a spa day with your mom does sound like heaven, you just hope your baby doesn't miss you too much.

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