chapter one: alarms

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"kay mum" I say as my she closes my door for the THIRD time tonight. she's so overprotective but I am quite fortunate to have a good parent I suppose. I look down at my phone it's already twelve O'clock I should probably get to sleep.

2 AM:

"Dan" I hear my mum calling my name I look out my window the sky is still painted with the colour of complete and udder darkness melting across the sky as how ice cream melts on the pavement in the midst of July the stars so bright brighter then a lightning bolt hitting a tree yet they still manage to comfort my drooping eyes "Dan!'" I hear my mother screaming with the air pouring out her lungs I soon noticed that that's not all I can hear soon I hear crackles very faint but every breath I take they just get louder and louder I soon realize that the alarms and sirens are yelping into my ears then suddenly everything goes black.


"Dan? Dan! wheres Dan?" I run in to get my brother but hands grasp me from behind gripping at me like the jaws of death themselves I scream and sob for my brothers life then I turn my head towards the door my mum was sprinting up the stairs flames nipping at her legs like a hungry dog In what felt like a blink I heard a giant crack then saw my roof falling down like pompetti then in less then a split second I see a firefighter caring my brothers limp unconscious body out the front door and from that point on everything else was just a blur.

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