Chapter nine: the boy across from me

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boring, boring, boring

thank god it's finally over I walk over to the refreshment  table to get some coffee when suddenly that boy I was sitting across from bumps into me "hey, watch it" I say as I'm already in a bad mood as is and I really don't  need some idiot walking into me "oh sorry, mate" he says "I'm Phil" he sticks out his hand  to shake mine. God, what is this kids deal? I reluctantly stick out my hand and I tell him that my name is dan.  he asks me what kinda stuff I like to do and I tell him I really like video games, and anime, this conversation with anyone else would make me want to light myself on fire, but for some reason, this conversation with the blue-eyed boy wasn't terrible definitely not great but not horrible either. 



I must've bumped into someone when I was grabbing a doughnut, this beautiful brown hair, brown eyed boy was stood in front of me he tells me to  "watch it" I'm quite nervous, but  I'm just shy, he looks quite warm and soft under all that anger. I figure if he's at this meeting he probably needs a friend. he looks angry right now but maybe I can get him to take his walls down, I ask him a few of his favourite things and at first, he's pretty closed up but eventually I get him to open up a little.

I told Dan that I would be right back, I went to the other side of the room to grab a sticky note to write down my myspace username but when I came back he was gone, I looked around for a while but couldn't find him so I was about to give up but then I saw the lady he was with his mum I'm assuming   and asked her politely if she could give it to Dan she looked a little bit confused but  still ultimately  complied. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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