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Giggles fill the room we were in.

We were watching a scary movie, Ace and I. But it was a scary movie from the 1900's, and no movie from that time was necessarily scary. We laughed at the scenes of the victims screaming, and I even ended up snorting a few times. Every time I broke out into a fit of giggles, Ace peered over and smiled in the midst of his own laughing.

Eventually the movie was over.

"Wanna watch another one, doll?" he gets ready to stand. We'd already watched so many old horror films. It was pretty late, and although I wasn't ready to sleep, I wanted to relax and maybe cuddle.

"No," my mouth curls into a bigger smile in the midst of my speaking. "But I do want to be a little closer to ya." I wasn't the best at flirting, but he understood me well enough to see what I was doing. Ace was the kind of guy who payed close attention to details.

He smirked and moved closer, scooping me up into his lap and holding me gently. His soft hands pressed against My lower back and I rested my head in the crook of his own neck.

"Mmm...warm." He mutters quietly and lightly squeezes me. My cheeks reddened from his breathy voice. Playfully, I decide to move up and press my lips against his neck. He jolts at the feeling. Time told me that those were his weakness. "H-hey!" He lightly pressed a hand in my hair and pulled me away. I gave him a playful look and stuck my tongue out

"I'm sorry, Ace. You know I can't help myself," I tease quietly. His eyes graze over me in the silence, his expression changing multiple times. I loved watching the process of his cheeks darkening and feeling how warm they got. But every time they did, sides of his personality really began to show. Specific sides.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against my forehead, his nose getting buried in the bangs of my hair. The sweet gesture distracted me long enough for him to roam his hands lower, and eventually slap them against my backside really roughly. I arched my back and let out a high pitched yelp, my surprised eyes shooting up into his own sly ones.

"What?" He murmured with a certain bass in his tone, and a trademark smile. He instead started rubbing the area now. "Don't act like you're the only one who can play that kind of game." What a cocky shit. I felt like I needed to get back at him somehow. And without much thought I gathered an idea. Gathering my composure, I sat up a bit straighter. He tilts his head at my sudden movement. Absolutely sure I caught him off guard, I grabbed him right by his shirt and forcefully pulled him closer. My mouth pushes right up against his in a deep, hard kiss.

Since my eyes are closed, I can't see his facial expression. I can only imagine what it's like, though. Surprised, probably a little poor desperate look. Before I can even bother taking a peek, I feel him pick me up. As confused as I was, I didn't open my eyes until I felt sheets slam against my back. He was towered overtop of me now, his hands planted right by my head.

"Fuck, you're so good at this." I pull away and run my hands through his hair, brushing through his scalp again. he can't stop showing that 'I'm-full-of-myself' smile and it's driving me crazy. Nonetheless, his radiating ego worked on me so well. I both hated and loved it.

"I'm just makin' sure we know who's the king of this." He leans closer and lightly brushes his mouth against my neck. "I don't want ya to give up though. It's hot to see you try." He lets out a breathy chuckle that sends shivers down my spine. A part of me just wanted to give into submission but another part wanted to wipe the smile clean off his face.

"You're so gross-"

"And you love it." he cuts me off. damn. I can't even battle in an argument with him. His hands daringly ran a bit further up my shirt. "look doll, I'll stop teasin'..under one condition."

Ace x reader (The horny cunt version)Where stories live. Discover now