~Chapter 1~

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Me, Soul, and Maka were walking down the hallway into we saw a boy with blue hair and a star tattoo and a girl with a long ponytail. Soul smirks.

"Yo. Looks like you two screwed it up again last night, huh?" Soul exclaims

"I don't know what you're talking about it was awesome. I was the biggest star in the whole room yesterday." The guy cheered as he high-fived Soul.

"I'm sure it was a great show, Black Star. Anyway, I want you guys to meet Serenity. She is the newest student at the academy." Maka introduced.

"I've heard rumors about you. You're the new hot girl! I'm the almighty Black Star and one day I will surpass God." Black Star boasted.

"Would you shut it, you moron?! She doesn't need creeps like you talking about her like that." Soul yelled at Black Star.

"Geez... I'm sorry."

"Hi, I'm Tsubaki. I'm his weapon." Tsubaki smiled.

"It's nice to meet you both." I greeted.

"How about you, two? How have you been doing lately with the Kishin souls?"

They both looked gloomy.

"Please don't ask." Soul mumbled.

"Yeah, it's too depressing to even think about right now." Maka added.

"Meister Black Star and Tsubaki of Class Crescent Moon please report immediately to the Death Room." The man over the intercom states.

"Hmm? I wonder what for?" Black Star mumbles to himself.

"Well, I guess we will catch you guys later." Tsubaki waved as they headed towards the Death Room.

"Why are they going to the Death Room?" Soul asked.

"I'm guessing because they failed the mission. Dad is very uptight about the missions." I explained.

"Geez, Tsubaki could probably partner up with anyone she wants to. Why chose him?" Maka asked while looking out the window staring down at Tsubaki and Black Star, in our class.

"As Black Star's reports say he has the strength but he doesn't really take the missions too seriously."

"He's an idiot but he has guts. Tsubaki knows that he's just more than talk." Soul added.

"Yeah. That's maybe why they work." Maka stated.

"Well, anyway we should get going too. We still have 99 Kishin souls to collect and a witch to defeat. That's a long way to go."

"Yeah. You coming with us, Serenity?"

"I like the adventure." I smiled as I jumped on Soul's back. "Now let's go!"

A week later

I wonder where Kid went that fast. He might be out catching souls. Well, Soul and Maka are home right now. And now I'm bored. I'll see what Daddy's doing.

I walk down the hallway to the Death Room and see Dad on the phone with Kid.

"Aww I forgot how cute those three little stripes on your hair are." Dad cooed.

"Come on dad, I'm not a little kid anymore." Kid sighed.

"Hey Big Brother!" I cheered.

"Hey Serenity." Kid waved.

"Okay then, We'll just move along. How are things going? It looks like you're making good progress collecting Kishin souls. But Kid, don't forget, you're a grim reaper. You don't really need to be training weapons and collecting souls." Dad asked.

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