~Chapter 2~

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A week later

"Hey don't crash through the church window!" I yelled.

Then Maka crash through the window anyway. She lands on her feet and since I was flying, I softly landed on the ground and disabled my wings.

"Evil Monk Rasputin, you're mine! I'm gonna eat your soul!" Soul exclaims while in his weapon form.

"You can try. But your efforts will be wasted. Not even bullets can do any harm to me." He states right before Maka slashes him with the scythe.

She kills him. The Kishin egg soul appears and Soul turns half of his body back to normal.

"Guess it's a good thing I don't use bullets, then. I hate wasted effort. So like I said this Kishin egg soul of yours is about to be my dinner." Soul opens his mouth and eats the soul.

"Alright! Time to go home!" I cheered.

Soul turned back into his human form.

"Want me to walk you home, Serenity?" Soul asked.

"No thanks. Um... I have somewhere to go before I get home. But thanks for the offer. I'm off." I enable my wings and fly off. I fly to the highest point of Death City and sat there wondering to myself.

What did Soul mean by 'she literally has wings of a angel'? Who does he like? At this point, I'm clueless. I never really known what love is like besides brotherly love and fatherly love but that's it. Dad didn't even read me bedtime stories growing up. He was always so busy building the academy. So real love and relationships I'm so hopeless on. Why can't he just tell and stop being so stubborn?

"I might as well go home. Dad is probably wondering why I'm up here." I said to myself has I flew home.

I went in my room and changed into my pajamas and go to sleep.

The next morning

"Come on, Serenity. You wanted to go to school, now get your ass up." Kid yelled as he shook me.

"Please stop shaking me, Soul." I mumbled in my sleep.

"Who's Soul?"

"Huh?" I finally woke up and looked at him with a confused look.

"You heard me."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Big Brother."

"Right. Anyways, get up."

"I'm up, you asymmetrical idiot."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Now get out so I could change."

"It's not like I haven't seen everything. You ran around the house naked for years. You still do."

"Well, shut up and get out." I shouted as I pushed him out the door and slammed it behind him.

I walked to my closet and picked out a random outfit.

"I think it is a cute outfit, that I never wore." I mumbled to myself.

" I mumbled to myself

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