Chapter 2: Mystery Man

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       " Why are you making me waste my precious time looking for you, to not only find you here still in class but also drooling all over the table." Seo-Yeon and I have been friends ever since the 5th grade. It was back in elementary school, I was peacefully eating a warm chocolate chip cookie. Til a kid in my class knock the cookie out of my hand and onto the floor. I was clearly upset, my tiny hands turned into fists, but before I even got a chance to lay a hand on him, someone else had already knocked his face with a pencil case. That someone was Seo-Yeon. After the years of getting to know her, I came to know that Seo-Yeon is a very reliable person. I'm very lucky to have her as my best friend, even though she can be annoying and self centered at times, but I didn't mind.

( Y/N): "Mwo! ( what) Don't get mad at me, I never told you to come looking for me in the first place."

( Seo-Yeon): " I know, I just came to bother you."

( Y/N): " Smh ....... I hate you"

( Seo-Yeon): " You know damn well that you love me, and that you hate it when I'm not present. And that your life is miserable without me. And also that you can't find anybody else that is like me, soooooo...Ha!"

     After that so-called argument, we both sat there in silence for a second and just laughed at how stupid we were. The day went like any other school day, English was obviously boring, math was kind of interesting with all the numbers and formula stuff. Lunch was crowded as always, never a place to sit, food was disgusting. History class was no different, we were assigned another essay about the Korean revolution, later at the end of the school day, I was outside waiting for Seo-Yeon because we decided to hang out at Namdaemun Market and also because I wanted to buy a cool dress that I saw online. After for what felt like hours, Seo-Yeon finally was walking out of the school building. We started walking to the bus stop, til Seo-Yeon's phone began to ring.

(Seo-Yeon): " Geuge eommaya? ( what is it mom?).........jeongmal? ( really?)....... Seung-in ( ok)."

   Seo-Yeon's mom needed help back at the restaurant, so I decided to tag along because why not? It's not like I have anything else to do.

(Seo-Yeon): " Eomma! ( Mom!), I'm here! And y/n is here as well!"

( Seo-Yeon's Mom): " Y/n? It's been forever since I've last seen you. Neo eotteohge jinaessni? ( How have you been?)

( Y/N): " Joh-eun ( good)"

( Seo-Yeon): " Yah eomma! She was here last friday, and stop treating her like a guest. She's part of this family already."

( Seo-Yeon's Mom): " Ye-ye ( yes-yes), I know already. Anyways, Seo-Yeon go in the back and help your old man with the kimchi."

    With that order my best friend left the scene to go help her dad. Meanwhile I was just standing there waiting for something to do. Mrs. Cheong turned around and stared at me with her hands on both sides of her hips. She went behind the counter and pulled out a red apron and handed it to me.

(Mrs.Cheong): " Ili ( Here), You are gonna help out by attending the customers and taking their orders."

   Without hesitation, I put my belongings in the back room and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. 8 minutes had passed and there were no customers walking through that door. It's going to be a long and boring afternoon. As I was thinking about all the kimbaps I could've had if we went to the market, a family walked and took a seat. Handing them their orders, another set of people walked in, and more, and more, till the little restaurant was full. Is this what they call 'Busy Hour'?

   " Finally! It's over!" said Seo-Yeon as she ripped her apron and hairnet off her head,and body. I was also glad that it was already closing time, never have I ever thought that it was ever going to be this busy. I untied my apron and hanged it up on the wall, also letting my hair out of the messy bun that it was in before allowing my loose curls to fall down to my back. Mrs.Cheong came in with two cups of milk tea, and set them done in front of Seo-Yeon and I to drink.

( Y/N): " Well I should get going it's already dark outside."

( Seo-Yeon): " If it's already dark out, why not just sleep over? You're always welcomed"

( Mrs. Cheong): " We have extra pillows and blankets, I will go get them and set them up in Se-"

( Y/N): " Ani! ( No!) that's ok Mrs. Cheong, I have to stop by the koneo jjog sang-ga ( Corner store) Anyways."

  With that said, they let me off the hook for today. Since it was already dark out the weather was colder than earlier. I zipped up my sweater and started walking quickly to spend less time outside in the cold. Reaching the store, I whipped out my ' To Buy' list out of my wallet and went around getting things that were needed. " And last on my list is...Ah! yes, eggs." Placing the eggs carefully in the basket, and checking over my list I start heading to the cashier.

   ( Cashier): " That will be 28264.72 won ( 25 dollars) in total. Cash or card?" After paying, I grabbed my stuff and walked out. It's sooo cold! Putting my hoodie on I began speed walking home. Walking home at night is the most dangerous thing, I always tend to avoid coming home after sunset but it sometimes can't be helped. The way home is a long struggle, I have to walk past this creepy old warehouse, through the creepy dark streets, and pass by this scary old man, who always yells at me for being young for some unknown reason, 's house. But I usually take the back alley for a short cut. Why is this warehouse still here? Passing by the old creepy warehouse, I hear weird sounds coming in the distance. I'm not sure where it's coming from, but I don't wanna find out.

   Speeding up my pace I hear the sounds getting closer and closer, so I walked faster and faster. The sound seemed to be getting closer, so at that point I closed my eyes tight and started running like there was no tomorrow. I was running like crazy, I no longer cared about the eggs being completely destroyed. I stopped running until I couldn't hear the sounds anymore. Once I thought I was safe, I stopped to catch my breath, once I felt that I could once again breathe, I began walking again. The streets were uncomfortably silent, some background music would be nice. " Where's my phone? I'm sure I have my headphones with me". I forgot that I had my phone and headphones in my pocket. After untangling my headphones, I connect them to my phone and clicked on my playlist. Putting the volume up, I listen to music the rest of the way home. Reaching a turning point, I looked down at my phone to change the song. Without looking up and seeing who was in front of me, I bumped into something, or should I say someone.

(Y/N): " Joesonghabnida ( Sorry)! I wasn't paying attention."

No Answer.

  I looked up and saw a tall man wearing a dark suit with his hands on his left side of his rib cage, trying to stop, what seemed like blood, that was oozing out of him. I don't why but I just froze on the spot, not knowing what to do. Guessing that I took too long, the man collapsed on ground completely unconscious. " OMG! Sir! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!.....SIR!!"

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