Chapter 6: J-Hope

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I've been sitting in this room for about I think 3 hours. And let me tell you this...its most definitely isn't fun. I mean what's so fun about sitting in a plain white room with no one to talk to. Yea, I guess people who came in a few hour a ago count..but I don't trust them.
Just when I was about to start going crazy and start speaking to myself. The door opened, reveling a tall man that was.....smiling? By the way he was dressed I had no doubt that he was one of the bosses. But his smile seemed to somehow light up to room, like sunlight. If I didn't see this guy, I would've thought there was a window in this dull ass room.

Him: " Good afternoon! How was your day today?"

Did he really just ask me how my day was?! Tf ?!

Me: " My day is going just great, thanks for asking." I said with a sarcastic smile planted on my face

Him: " I am really glad to hear that! Well, to cut this convo short, I'm hear to take you."

Take me??

Me: " Take me? What do you mean by 'take me'

Him: " That is none of your concern"

And with that said, the man grabbed my arm and started to drag me out of the room. Of course I was relived to leave that boring looking room. I was low key terrified, but I wasn't going to show it. I've seen a lot of movies.😉

We went these up these stairs. This means I was locked up in a basement. The man dragged me through a few lefts and rights and ups and downs. Til we finally made it to what seems to be room?

Him: " Just wait here, he'll be with you soon"

Why won't these people tell me who "he" is!

Me: " Can you tell me your name?"

The man stared at me, then smiled his sunny smile.

Him: " Fine, my name is Hoesok. Jung Hoesok. But they call me J-hope."

I nodded my head as a response, since I didn't have anything else to say. Rather more of a I didn't know how to respond.
While looking around the room, I noticed how elegant the decorations were. Everything looked expensive.

Holy shit! This "he" dude most be a fucking millionaire!

I started to get inpatient. This whole time that I've been in this house, all I have been doing is waiting. I wanna meet this person that thought it was good idea to kidnap me.

Me: " When is this "boss" going to get here? I starting to get toured of waiting."

J-hope: " Calm down and just wait"

Me: " Wait, wait, wait, that's all guys keep telling m-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I heard footsteps coming our way. The sound kept getting louder and closer, til it stopped. I turned my head and saw this amazingly handsome looking man. He was wearing all black and his hair was also very black and slicked back. Tall, fair skin, deep black eyes. I couldn't help but stare at this handsome man's face.

I heard a chuckle from my left side. I guess J-hope noticed my staring.

J-hope: " The boss is here."

" Jeon Jungkook"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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