Chapter 3: Night Intruders

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"OMG! SIR!...SIRRR!"  The tall man that you bumped into is now on the floor and there's blood leaking out of him. What do I do? What do I do?  " Ah! My phone, where is it" In shock, you desperately search for your phone, which you dropped, once you retrieved it you quickly contact 911.
"Hello? Please send an ambulance! There's a man on the floor and he's severely hurt.........location? I'm by the warehou-" your phone is suddenly knocked out of your hand. A low voice spoke out of the blue, " Don't...... call..... the police." The tall man was telling you not to call for help? Is he crazy?! Does he want to die?
"Are you crazy?! Do you want to die?! I can't just leave you here" You rise up and start pacing back and forth. Can't believe I'm gonna actually do this. Here goes nothing. You help the man get up on his feet, and you let him use you as support. You take him to your apartment, kicking the front open, you place down on the living room floor. Running to the closet to get your first-aid kit, alcohol, and some cotton balls. You place the first-aid kit by your side and with scissors you cut the pieces of clothing that surrounds the wound. " Okay, this is gonna hurt a bit." With that you add the alcohol onto the cotton ball and carefully dab it on the wound. Low grunts can be heard coming from the man, once you finished disinfecting the area, you patched up a band-aid to cover the wound.
When you finished, you help the man to your room and placed him down on the bed." Here take this, it will calm you down and ease the pain." You handed the man some Advil and a glass of water. The man just stared at you as if he had trouble trusting you. But he then gave up and took the pills that were in my hand and the glass of water, closing his eyes and drifted off to sleep. You couldn't help but scan his face. His smooth cream colored skin, his well defined jawline and puffy eyes. Hair so straight and puffy, it looked so soft that it makes you want to run your hands through his silky hair.

Y/N p.o.v:
 What am I thinking? I stepped out of the room to make something to eat for the both of us. Letting out a small sigh, " That was scary." I go to the kitchen and start making scrambled eggs to eat with white rice. I placed the plate with food on the nightstand for when he wakes up, and I walked to the living room to watch some TV. While browsing through the channels, I hear some sort of sound coming from outside the door. " Must be the neighbors". I didn't pay much attention, until a the sound turned into a huge bang. But this time the sound clearly came from behind your door.

No one's p.o.v:
You didn't waste anytime, running to the kitchen you grab a frying pan and ducked under the counter. The bang the came from the door was even louder but now your door is on the floor. Big strong men are now standing in your living room and they seem to be searching for thing or someone. You somehow found a way to run for it, but it back fired because you got hit on the head with something hard, everything went black. But before you completely lost conscious, all you heard was, " Get the boss, and she comes with us. The boss might want to keep her for stuff."

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