The Johnsons

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A whole week had passed and there was still no sign of Mr. Robins which you didn't complain since you basically saw Ben twice a day, but also wished you didn't since you would always seem flustered around him. Then two weeks had passed and still no sign of Mr. Robins, until Friday came around and the principal had announced he had retired and Benedict would be taking over from now on. Mentally you cheered, as well with groaning to yourself since you will be seeing him twice a week for the rest of your senior year.

It was the end of the last period and you, Kelsey, and Nate were walking out of the building and towards the parking lot. The three of you were talking about random topics and having a typical fun conversation like any other day, then from the corner of your eye you saw a figure going down the steps. Being curious you turned, only to see Harry walking down the steps with Hailey hand in hand. You weren't surprised they would soon get together, one cheater plus one slutty cheerleader combine perfectly.
Rolling your eyes at the couple you turn around when your friends conversation brought your attention.

"So are we going to the movies tomorrow?" Nate asks while walking down the steps

"Can't, we have the home party at the Johnsons," You say pointing towards you and Kelsey,

"Ugh, I totally forgot about that," Nate groans before continuing, "They're so annoying, why do they always have to have a "get together" before they leave for two months each year?"

You and Kelsey laugh at him but couldn't blame him. Each year the Johnsons always have a small party before leaving for two months and then having another small party for their arrival. Everyone would be invited from the neighborhood and everyone would go since they always have delicious food, also because they are the nicest family you could have in the neighborhood. They were "child from god" as they quote, but little did they know how their eldest son Kyle drinks and smokes like there's no tomorrow.

"Because they are sweet and caring," Kelsey replies to Nate,

"Yeah, they also serve delicious food," You add with a huge grin which makes Nate have a small smile tugging at his lips,

"Ohhh! Speaking of food, I heard they're serving ribs this time," Kelsey all but screams earning a couple odd looks from students,

That brought Nathan's attention even more and you could tell he was being convinced. He was a whore for ribs and you knew he would only go to the party just for them.

"What times the party?" Nate asks with a smirk and raised eyebrow,

"Like around... 4 or 5," You tell him and open your car door to throw your bag in the back,

"Awesome, I'll be there,"

"Your not even in the neighborhood dude," Kelsey says while throwing her bag as well in the back of your car,

"So, I'll come as a guest with you," He looks at Kelsey but quickly switched his gaze when he sees her annoyed face, "I'll come with you then," He repeats his answer towards you which causes you to laugh at them,

"Sure whatever you want," You tell him and walk around your Jeep before giving him a goodbye hug, "See you later Nate,"


"Later loser," Kelsey says as she climbs up the passenger door,

You followed Nathan with your car until he reached his Dodge Charger and drove off with a final wave. The rest of the way to your home you and Kelsey would sing along to whatever song would play from your playlist and having a good time. Finally arriving to Kelsey's home you waited for her in the car as she got her stuff and whatever she needed to sleep over. Every Friday you two always manage to have a girls night and have a scary movie marathon, this became a habit since the day you broke up with Harry.

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