Chapter 4

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Hai Lovlies!! Nelly here. Sorry if i gave you guys a short chapter yesterday. I hope you’re not mad :D anyways this one will be longer. I promise to try and update when I can :D 

Lee, Kelly, Ash  and Nana you guys are here already =)


-DOUBLE EDITED 08/29/2013

XOXO Nelly <3


Chapter 4 

Aaron’s P.O.V.

{After Last night’s party}

After the party. I suddenly realized I haven’t seen Ames around. I searched around the first floor of the pack house and didn’t see Ames. I suddenly had a bad feeling something happened. I went to my room and checked if she was there and to my luck she’s not. Luck is on my side today. (note sarcasm).  I went towards her room and knocked. For a second I thought she was asleep. I decided to turn around. But I wanted to make sure she was okay. I opened the door and saw letters on her bed, Addressed to pack members and others. I spotted the one with my name on it and read it.

After reading the letter. I yelled so loud and fell on my knees.

What have I done? I can’t believe my baby sister is gone for good.

Tyler barged into the room

“What happened?”

I grunted and pointed towards the bed.

I can’t believe it! MY BABY SISTER IS GONE! It’s all my fault! I didn’t give enough protection to her. It’s all my fault…..


Tyler’s P.O.V.

After I heard a yell in the pack house I dashed for the stairs and headed towards where I heard the yell, Amy’s room. I saw Aaron kneeling on the floor.

“What happened?” I asked

He grunted and pointed towards the bed. I walked towards the bed and saw letters lying on it. I got the one addressed to me. I read it.

“DAMMIT!” I yelled in annoyance.

Aaron stood up and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

“It’s all your fault.”

“Drop me down this instant!”


I had to admit it was my fault, I felt guilty and ashamed that I bullied her and she ran away. My wolf whimpered wanting his mate. I saw the open window. I realized, SHE LEFT FOR GOOD.


 Amy's P.O.V.

[Next Morning]

 I'm tired of running. Right now I am drinking water from a lake near by. I just realized, I PASSED ANOTHER TERRITORY! I heard leaves breaking and twigs snapping. I quickly turned around and saw 4 wolves. I slowly bowed my head to show respect and before I knew it there was 3 girls and 1 guy. 

The girls had the perfect most perfect body shape I’ve ever seen. I whimpered at the thought of me being fat. The guy in the middle spoke up

"Hey we're no threat. Shift back please?"

I nodded and he gave me a shirt and I gladly took it with my mouth and hid behind a tree. I shifted back and walked to the group who was inspecting me while I trudged towards them.

“What are you doing in my land?”

“Are you a rogue?”

“What are you doing here?”

“I ran away from my pack.” I replied


“They bullied me and my mate rejected me.”

The two girls gasped and walked towards me and hugged me tightly. I didn’t realize there were tears running down my face. I quickly wiped them away and turned around. The guy I talked to earlier, I’m guessing he’s the alpha. He hugged me. I felt like I was somebody right now.

“Please don’t kill me.” I whispered.

He didn’t let go and I just hugged him back. Silently crying. When I pulled back.

“What’s your name?” The same guy who hugged me asked.

“Amethist. It’s spelled as A-M-E-T-H-I-S-T But you can call me Ames or Amy.

“I’m Lee.” Said the guy with the black hair.

“I’m Ashlynn.” Said the girl with medium Blackish Brown hair. And flashed me a big smile.

“I’m Kelly” Said the girl with Long Silky Black hair. She gave me a friendly wave.

“I’m Serena you can call me Nana” Said the girl with shortish black hair.

“Hey Guys.” I replied and wondering why they were so kind to me.

“Who is “they”? Ashlynn asked doing the air quoting thing.

“My old pack” I said

“Who is your old pack?” Asked Nana

“North Atlantic Pack.” I replied

“I knew that pack was up to no good!!!!” Said Kelly

They paused for a moment. It seemed as if they were using mind link. After a few moments, Lee spoke up.

“Would you like to be part of the Red Blood Pack?”

I thought for a moment. I’m going to be part one of the most deadliest packs in the whole world.

“Come on Amyyyyy!!!” Said Nana.

“Join us!!”Ashlynn said.

“We won’t bully you!” Kelly said.

“Okay fine I’ll join you guys.” I said.

Nana, Ashlynn, Kelly, Lee, crushed me into a group hug.

I finally found where I belong.

I smiled as I hugged my new pack back.

I finally have a chance to start fresh.

My second chance to live a better life.


Author’s Note:

Is this good enough?? I’m telling you. It will get better for Amy!! :D

Enjoyed it? Comment, Fan :D

XOXO Nelly <3

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