[arc two] 20. Regarding me (drunk) and Sinbad

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"Where were you been those days, Ai?" this was the question that the purple haired sailor ask me as enter the house through the window. I stared at him at shock because I thought he was asleep for he's going to start his journey tomorrow which is to conquer a dungeon.

"Having fun with cute honey (Titus) and looking for a husband---"I was stopped when I saw that his glaring at me. Which made me rise a brow. 'Actually the last part was a joke.' I thought. "But that's none of your business and shouldn't you be asleep because you need to have full energy for tomorrow?" I ask changing the subject.

"how dare you say that you're looking for a husband and taking care of another child yet again!" he hiss at me as he grab hold of my shoulder and his eyes that clearly see his jealousy on it.

Yup this guy know that I was talking about yet again another baby, maybe because I always use the word cute for babies? But his also cute when his a baby through but now his ugly. Joke. Here. Please don't take that seriously because I don't want his fan girls attacking out of nowhere. Im scared of fan girls you see. I have a long line of history with them in my past life which is not a good one. I thought.

"You're not changing this topic till you tell me whose baby did you kidnapped and the list of the men who interest you to marry them?!" he roar after he dragged me outside, so we won't wake his mother up and question his sanity (because for them, it look like his talking to his self.)towards the pier where no one was around for this hour is for the dead, midnight and not for living for this time they should be asleep to their bed. But this guy aren't because his currently nagging me.

"Tell me how many will I hunt in the future, my spouse." He said in a creepy smile as he lean closer to me, making are face an inch apart and I can't move away because he grab hold both my shoulder, stopping me from escaping at any mean as possible.

"You're creeping me out, brat and Im not your spouse for Solomon sake!"I said as I try to escape his captive. "Also im not interest in any kids like you or any man in this world because they all too young for me. I'AM NOT A PEDO FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" I said as I push him away.

"Sigh... I thought I lose you to those wolves..." I heard him take a deep breath of relief as his calm down from his anger and jealousy. He totally don't hear that im not also interest in him, isn't he?' I thought as I sweat drop at his words. 

"But that doesn't explain why your with another baby again... you don't kidnap another ...right?" he change the topic as he look at me as I look away guilty because I totally did and guilt was eating me inside but the cuteness and fun time with Titus worth it. 

"Ha-ha ...of course I don't" I lied as I pretend to laugh still not looking at him but I can feel his gaze at me and it's not comforting!

"why are you not looking at me in the eye, Ai?" he said as he close the distance between us but I keep stepping back and still not looking in his eyes because his feeding my guilt. 

"You did don't you?" he said as he cornered me when I felt the sea behind me. Because I never going to admit my wrong, I jump to the sea and swim away from him in a speed, mermaid will lose face.

"You totally did don't you, baby maniac!"-yelled the Lady killer of the seven sea, Sinbad.

"Excuse me, I don't know what you're talking about you Casanova!" yelled back the world's greatest babysitter / lover, Ai.

Yup and they both totally argue about each other flaws all night tell, she knock the light out of him.

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