Of Glances and Chances

677 15 23

(Online Dating AU)

Kaider + Cresswell

    "You look lonely." Carswell's sarcastic voice cut through Kai's thoughts. "...and jealous."

    "Who said I was jealous?" Kai murmured, averting his eyes from the couple that was hugging each other a few feet away. He started to glare at the table. Carswell could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

    "You're lonely," Carswell said in a sing-song voice. "Lonely."

    "Lonely?" Kai scoffed. "I'm practically the most popular boy in this entire school."

    "Right, practically, because I'm the most popular boy in this school." Kai glared at him. Carswell sighed. "We both know that most of the friends you have aren't... sincere." Kai let out a haughty huff, but he knew that his one and only best friend was right. "And clearly, you need something more than just a friend."

    Kai's cheeks colored with a deep blush. "I don't know what you mean," he muttered, trying to play it cool. But by the scoff that Carswell loudly let out, it was clear that he saw right through his act.

    "Yeah, yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night."

    Kai resisted the urge to punch him right in the face. What satisfaction he would gain if he saw Carswell with a black eye? Before Kai could act on impulse, Carswell slipped into the chair across from him and slid over a piece of paper.

    Kai glanced up from the table, glaring at Carswell suspiciously. Carswell shrugged.

    Grabbing the slip of paper, he unfolded it, seeing Carswell's messy scrawl on it. It was the name of a website. "What's this?"

    "An online dating website," Carswell explained. Seeing Kai's incredulous look, he hurried to convince him. "I met Cress on this website."

    "Wow, Cress," Kai breathed. "She really doesn't seem like the type of person to sign up on these type of sketchy dating websites."

    "Well that's because her friend set her up on a date with me without her permission. She really didn't have much of a choice." Carswell tapped his chin. "Although maybe my handsome face finally convinced her to come on that date. She nearly didn't show up!"

    This time, Kai couldn't resist the urge to slap Carswell on his forehead. Carswell let out a short yelp of pain, clutching his forehead. "Anyways," Carswell said, voice strained, "Cress' friend can introduce you to another girl. She said based on my description of you, you two would fit pretty well."

    Kai let out an unintelligible grunt, and Carswell could tell that he was not convinced. "Why don't you go home and check it out? If you don't like it, then by all means, don't use it. But just give it a try." He shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe you'll find your soulmate."

    "I can't believe I let him drag me into this," Kai hissed under his breath. It was one o'clock at night, when he was supposed to be sleeping, but here he was, scrolling through the website in search of the girl who Carswell had mentioned.

    "Her name is Cinder Linh."

    Kai frowned, clicking the search bar and entering her name. Hundreds of results showed up. His eyebrows furrowed. "How am I supposed to find her?" he cried indignantly, scrolling down the seemingly never ending list. With a sigh, he slipped his phone out of his pocket, texting Carswell real quick.

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