chapter 18

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Emily's POV

It's been a month since Troy had gone.... I feel so empty.... I want him back here by my side but then I can't have that.... He is out there living his dreams, his life... I can't just stop him....
We FaceTime each other almost everyday... But sometimes its just not enough.... Instead of making me happy it just makes me feel more and more terrible....
Today morning I woke up to the sound of someone constantly ringing the bell... I slowly got up and realized that I had fallen asleep on the couch... I got down and opened the door and was greeted by a mailman standing with a huge box in his hands....
"Good morning sir..." I greeted politely...
"Good morning Miss... Here's a package for you... Please kindly receive this and give your signature over here..." He said with a smile and handed me the box and a pen... I signed the paper and took the box inside.... Actually I was quite surprised to see the man outside with this box... I never get mail.... I kept the box on the table and went to the bathroom.... I did my morning routine and came downstairs... I slowly took the box and saw the note on it... Of course.... I thought to myself... Had to be Troy.... I tore the seal.... And found myself staring at a couple of things inside... A beanie, 2 t-shirts, 1 hoodie... All Ashes to Phoenix merch... And at the end a plane ticket to London....
Wait a plane ticket?...
I immediately called Troy up... After a couple of rings he picked up... His voice groggy from sleeping....
"Um very sorry to wake you up... But why did you send me all these?" I asked....
"What did i send you...?" He asked...
"The band's merch and the plane ticket?"... I said getting confused myself...
"What?? Ohh that... Yes I sent you that ... Wow you got it...?" He asked...
"Yep I got it... But I don't think I will be able to come..." I said...
"Oh okay..... Wait... WHAT?" He yelled from the other side....
"Yeah I don't think I will be able to make it..." I said very seriously....
"Are you kidding me..? Why won't you come? You are joking right?" He asked... I could feel that he probably sat up... Wide awake....
"I am not joking..." I said in a deadpan voice...
"But I want you to come.... Okay give me one good and solid reason a stick why you won't come?"... He asked....
"First London's pretty far... And I cannot ditch work and I have plans on that day...." I said....
"What plans?"... He asked getting pissed off...
"I have to attend a wedding!" I said..
"Who's?" He asked...
"You don't know the person... But I know and that person is very close to my heart..." I said....
"Are you shitting me right now? So you can't ditch that? That person became more important to you than me?" He asked angrily...
"Yes the person is very important to me... Because of that person I am here... And I have a life... A proper one to be exact.... If it weren't for that person I would probably be dead by now...." I said getting angry...
"You know what I am not even going to talk to you about this... Do whatever you feel like..." He said and hung up.... I didn't say anything... I just kept the phone at the side and threw the box away from me.... Okay he is important to me but Brenda and Mr. Hobbs were also very important... If it weren't were Brenda I don't where I would be today... She took me in gave me a new reason to live my life... I can't just leave her on her wedding day.... Yes you guessed it right..  Mr. Hobbs and Brenda were finally tying the knot... I was ecstatic about it... Infact the whole town was... Everybody was looking forward to it... So how could I just abandon her.... That woman means a lot to me.... She is my savior, my very personal fairy- godmother, my guardian angel... In short I can't imagine my life without her..... I started having a full-blown conversation with my mind when the door bell rang for the second time today... I got up and opened the door and was greeted by a very crestfallen and depressed looking Royce...
"Hey what's up..." I said smiling....
"Hey..." He said with a slight, fake smile... "Can I come in?" He asked...
"Yes of course...." I said...
He came inside and sat down on the couch...
I sat down beside him...
"Are you okay.." "can I ask you something?" We both said together....
We both smiled at that and looked at each other.... And I took this opportunity to analyze him... His hair messy, eyes red and puffy from crying, shirt unkempt... Overall he looked like he was hit by a hurricane...
"You go first..." I told him and broke the awkward silence that was starting to build in between us....
"Uh actually... Are you still in a relationship?".... He asked looking directly at me...
"All of a sudden?" .... I asked getting confused...
"Just say...." He said...
"Yes I am actually...." I replied nervously...
But why the fuck was I nervous?
"Uh okay.... That's all I needed to know.... Anyway best of luck..." He said and got up to leave....
"Wait... Royce what's the matter?..." I asked, grabbing his hand....
"Nothing... It's okay...." He said gave me quick kiss on my forehead and left... Leaving me in a great confusion.... Thankfully today was Sunday and I didn't really have much to do.... I decided to have a lazy day.... Stay in bed in my pajamas and eat my feelings away..... I had a lot of thinking to do.... And a hell lot of decisions to make.... I really hope things turn out good....!!

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