chapter 31

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3 years later..!!
Emily's POV

It's been 3 years after the incident that shook Troy's entire world.. he was depressed for a long time.. he was given counseling to get out of it... It's was the most traumatizing phase of his life.. but he was strong and he got through it all.. he was back to normal.. everything was as it was.. we grew closer and closer with each passing day.. we were a strong couple.. things were rough but we got out of it together.. I recently got a job at a place that organises weddings since I was good at stuff like this they hired me on spot.. and yeah not to mention I did use my boyfriend's name to my advantage.. and I am extremely sorry for that but most of it was based on my skills.. they tested each interviewee to see who landed on the top of their list with good reviews and remarks.. it felt really good after I got it.. my boss, she is pretty good actually.. kind and sweet.. I moved away and currently living with Troy at his apartment... But I do visit Dudstown from time to time..
For sometime now an idea has been brewing in my head but I was a bit unsure about it, but today I finally decided to execute this...
I called Troy up and waited for him to pick up..
"Hey Troy.. I need to speak to you and it's important.." I said the moment he picked up..
"Yeah okay.. I am all ears.." he said.
"Can you meet me today..?" I asked..
"Babe we meet everyday.. we literally stay together.. but since you are asking me like this tell me where and when.." he said..
His response made me smile.. "you know that bridge in the park where we usually go to enjoy ourselves.." I said..
"Yeah... It's an awesome place.." he replied..
"Yeah so meet me there at 5:30 in the evening okay? Or do you want me to change the time.. I can do that if you are busy.." I said..
"No no it's perfect.. we don't really have a lot of work at the studio anyway..." He said..
"Okay that's great.. and I love you.. I have to go.. so I will talk later.." I said and hung up.. I didn't wait for his reply cause I got too nervous and I knew if I kept talking I would probably blurt out the whole story...
I called Christian and told him to inform the other boys about everything... He said he would do it...
I got off work early.. and dressed up really nice.. I reached the said destination almost on time and waited for him to come... Troy came soon after my arrival..
"Hey sorry.. I hope I am not late.. woah you look gorgeous.." he said while stopping in his tracks..
"Yeah thanks.. you don't look too bad either.." I replied with a smile..
"You know the boys left me alone in the studio and went back home.. the three of them went together and didn't take me with them... It's weird don't you think" he said..
"Uh okay Troy so I wanted to talk to you about something.. something important.. okay.." I said.. my palms were sweating... My heart was beating so loudly I was afraid he could hear it....
"Oookay should I be scared?" He asked quietly..
"Uh no.. definitely not.." I said ... Then took a deep breath, cleared my throat and started speaking...
"Troy Maxwell.. you are my dream come true, you are my world my everything, you are the light of my heart, the joy in my laughter and the radiant smile on my face.. and its already proven that we can face anything as long as we are together.. we are a team and I hope to stay like that for eternity...
I know you truly love me.. I have seen it.. it's not in the materialistic things but in the small things that you do for me everyday to show you truly care.. I love how you know all my favorite things, you know what exactly to say to cheer me up, I love how you take care of me when I am sick, I love how you stay awake with me when I am having period cramps.. it just shows how much you really love me and how much you worry about my well-being and you know what else I love, well I love you for going out of your way to make me happy, how you hold my hand in public so to let people know I am yours.. how you hold me close to you when you are with fans to let them know you are taken.. I love how you respect me and tell me everyday that I am strong and beautiful.. how easily you are capable of driving away my insecurities.. I love how you motivate me and inspire me to strive for the best and to never give up until I have achieved my goals.. I love how you comfort me when I am scared or how you save the last slice of pizza and also leave the crust for me because I love eating them, even though you enjoy them as well.. but you still keep it for me..
I love the random 'i love you' or the 'i miss you' texts I am receiving all throughout the day and the out of the blue kisses I get, both in public and private... I love how you sing me to sleep because you know how much I love your voice and appreciate your talent.. I love every little detail about you...
I want to continue doing all this.. all this with you.. forever and ever more.. so will you please do the honors of marrying me and making me the happiest girl in the whole wide universe..?" I said and kneeled down with a ring in my hand... Cool gentle wind blowing, the sky covered in the shades of blue, purple, red, a tinge of yellow and orange.. everything is exactly how I planned it to be.. I waited for his answer.. after what seemed like forever he answered..
"Yes, hell yes... I don't know what I would do without this, without you.. you complete me.. I wouldn't have ever imagined my life with someone else..." He said and kneeled down to meet my eyes.. he pulled me closer and kissed me passionately as if sealing this deal... And from the bushes tell boys came out bursting confetti..
"Woohoo congratulations and celebrations.." they all sang in unison.. passerby stood there seeing everything started clapping and cheering.. this was the most perfect and best day of my life..... Everything turned out nice... I finally got my happy ending... The happy ending that I thought existed only in books...
And I also finally got Troy to myself and I can't wait to become MRS.MAXWELL...
In the end I am greatful to God for blessing me with such an amazing boyfriend who could do anything to see a smile on my face.. he was the best and he made me happy...

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