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Now the moment I'm sure some of you have been waiting for.
While I feel like this story sort of implies that Ryan would be topping that's not the case for this. Brendon will be topping because I just can't see Ryan being a top much less write it out. So Brendon will be topping.

Brendon and I had finished all of our food a few hours ago and ended up laying back in each other's arms.
We stayed like that, laying there together in silence just watching the sun set slowly.
As soon as the sun hit the horizon and the sky turned from blue to pink, purple, orange and golden I let out a breath.
"Bren baby." I whispered softly.
Brendon hummed softly and moved his head so he could look up at me.
I smiled softly at him before kissing his head gently.
"Stand up for me my love." I said.
"But I'm so comfy." He said and smiled up at me.
I laughed softly and ran my hand through his hair.
"I need to stretch my love we've been down like this for too long." I said which was a total lie.
Brendon smiled and stood up slowly yawning a bit as he did, the golden hue from the sun set catching the side of his face.
My sun. He is absolutely stunning.
I got up on one knee in front of him, reaching into my pocket slowly before grabbing his hand gently.
I looked up at him as a look of realization came across his face and he put his other hand over his mouth.
I opened up the ring box and bit my lip, taking a deep breath before beginning to speak.
"Bren, we have had our hard times, we've had our differences and we have had our fights but we have always got through them eventually and it was always the two of us together. You are the love of my life and I can't see myself spending it with anyone else. I put my eyes on you and my heart begins to race beneath my rib cage. I love the way the sun catches you just right and makes your eyes look like honey and I love the way your lips feel against mine. I love waking up every morning with you in my arms and I love hearing your voice in the morning when you first wake up. I love hearing he way you ramble when your ADHD kicks in and I love how excited you get when you come up with something new. You're my sun. My muse. My everything. I could go on and on but I would be dead when I finished so I guess what I'm trying to ask is Brendon Boyd Urie will you be mine for the rest of your life?" I asked.
Brendon was crying by now but nodded quickly, his hand shaking as he moved it away from his mouth.
"Yes! Yes Ryan!" He said and threw himself at me, kissing me deeply.
I let out a breath and kissed him back deeply, wrapping my arms around him.
Brendon held my face in his hands, moving his lips against mine slowly.
I smiled softly and pulled back after a few moments looking at him.
"Are you just gonna leave the ring in the box?" I asked, causing him to laugh and wipe the tears from his cheeks.
"No of course not." He said and grabbed the ring, slipping it on his finger gently.
I smiled and grabbed his face kissing him again deeply.
Brendon hummed against my lips and I moved into his lap carefully, pushing the other stuff aside while keeping our lips connected.
As soon as everything was out of the way I pushed Brendon onto his back and moved my lips to his neck beginning to suck love bites into his neck slowly.
Brendon gasped softly and ran his fingers through my hair.
"Ry..are you sure about this?" He asked breathily.
I hummed and nodded sitting up before pulling my shirt off.
Brendon let out a breath and nodded before running his fingers along my torso and over my hips slowly.
"You're beautiful." He said softly.
I smiled and shook my head before leaning down so my lips were just above his.
"You're even more beautiful bren." I said softly.
His lips curved up into a smile and I pressed our lips together once again in a slow, tender kiss.
Brendon pulled back and pulled his shirt off slowly. I hummed in appreciation and slowly started making my way down his body.
Brendon watched me with a fogged up look clouding his eyes.
When I got to the waist band of his pants I undid them slowly and tugged them down and off, tossing them aside.
Brendon bit his lip and sat up undoing mine as well, repeating my actions.
He pressed a few slow, gentle kisses from my navel to my hips.
I watched him and smiled softly carding my fingers through his hair.
Brendon laid back again and I moved myself in between his legs, pulling his boxers down slowly.
I bit my lip and leaned down pressing a kiss to Brendon's hip before moving my mouth to his cock slowly, kissing the underside of it before wrapping my lips around the tip, starting to take him into my mouth.
Brendon took a sharp breath and threaded his fingers into my hair as I began taking him into my mouth.
I slowly began to bob my head slowly, coating Brendon's cock in spit since we didn't have lube.
Above me, Brendon was moaning, tugging at his own hair with one hand and at mine with the other causing shivers to go down my spine.
I moaned around him causing his breath to hitch and his hips to buck up. He pushed himself down my throat resulting in me gagging around him slightly and saliva to run from my lips and down the shaft of his cock.
Brendon moaned and tugged at my hair a bit roughly.
"Ry..I'm gonna cum you gotta stop." He said between moans.
With that I pulled off and sat up pulling my boxers down slowly, Brendon's eyes not leaving my body.
Once they were off I crawled on top of him and grabbed his cock lining it up to myself before lowering myself down slowly.
I let out a whiney sound from the burning of feeling the stretch of him again.
Slowly, I sunk down and filled myself up with Brendon. I sat still, eyes closed and mouth agape letting myself adjust before slowly moving my hips.
I gasped softly and bit my lip, placing my hands on Brendon's chest as I moved.
"B-bren. Oh g-god." I moaned as I slowly moved my hips.
Brendon moaned softly below me and placed his hands on my waist as I moved.
"Ry fuck you feel so good baby." He said softly.
I whined softly and put my hands on top of his continuing to move my hips against him.
Brendon pulled me down and kissed me slowly as I moved against him.
The kiss didn't last long only because we both couldn't contain our moans.
I buried my face into his neck and moaned softly, Brendon keeping his hands on my waist.
"There you go baby, shit yes keep going sweetheart." Brendon said.
I moaned continuously against his neck as I kept going.
This continued for about an hour. Shared kisses, moans, small I love you's
With a high pitched moan I finished over mine and Brendon's stomachs and Brendon moaned finishing inside me not too long after.
Instead of pulling off immediately I let myself lay against Brendon, a layer of sweat coating our bodies and hair a complete disaster. At that moment we didn't care it was just us. Just me and brendon and we were finally happy. Truly happy.

I wrote this in church literally in church 😂 while the preacher is up in the front preaching I'm writing gay sex 😂 oh well.
I've been super motivated and I know if I don't write it now I'll lose the motivation and never get it done.
Shitttttt there's two more chapters left after this 😭

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Where stories live. Discover now