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To start off our day, I decided to take Brendon to one of our favorite cafe's in LA.
While I waited for him to finish his shower I got dressed and made sure I didn't look like absolute trash.
Usually going to the cafe, we didn't care how we looked but today is a special day for us and I wanted to look my best.
I heard the shower shut off and let out an anxious breath grabbing something out of the top of the closet quickly, shoving it in my pocket before he came out and saw me.
I walked to the bed and pulled my phone out starting to scroll through Instagram so Brendon didn't suspect anything.
He walked out wrapped in a towel and came over standing in front of me.
"So where are we goin' for you to get all dressed up like you are?" He asked, putting a hand on his hip.
I laughed softly and shook my head pulling him to me, kissing him gently.
Brendon smiled and kissed me back gently, laying his hand on my cheek.
I hummed softly and pulled back slowly rubbing Brendon's side gently.
"Get dressed and come downstairs." I said and pecked his lips one more time.
Brendon smiled and nodded, walking to the closet.
I got up and walked down stairs, sitting on the couch.
I laughed softly when bogart jumped up on my lap and started licking me.
"Bogart, bogart calm down." I said and laughed softly.
I rubbed behind his ears and smiled.
"Look at you. You're so excited." I said and smiled. "Do you know my secret? Huh?"
Brendon walked down a few minutes later dressed in a blue button up with black jeans and his favorite pair of black vans on.
"Okay I'm ready." He said and walked over picking bogart up.
"Stop trying to hog my man bogart." He said and kissed the dogs head, putting him back on the floor.
I stood up and dusted my pants off, straightening my shirt out.
Brendon smiled and grabbed my hand gently walking with me to get the keys.
"You're so clingy you know that?" I said as he practically wrapped himself around my arm.
"Oh you hush. You know you love it." He said.
I chuckled and nodded, kissing his head.
"That I do." I said and walked out with him, locking the door after we were out of the house.
Brendon smiled and leaned against me as we walked to the car together.
I walked up to the passenger door and opened it for Brendon. I put my fingers under his chin, tilting his head up, kissing him gently before pulling away.
"Get in my love." I said softly.
Brendon smiled and nodded, kissing my cheek before sliding into the car, buckling up.
I smiled and closed his door before walking to the drivers side, getting in.
I adjusted the seat and buckled up then started the car, pulling out of our driveway.
Brendon turned the radio on and started humming along to it quietly while he watched out the window as we left the neighborhood.
I drove for about half an hour due to the LA traffic before arriving to the diner.
I looked over at Brendon and smiled as his eyes lit up.
"Ry..I haven't been here in so long." He said.
I smiled and nodded.
"Neither have I. I thought since it's our anniversary we could come here though." I said softly.
Brendon smiled and leaned across the middle console, kissing me gently.
"I love you." He said against my lips.
"I love you too." I said softly and kissed him one more time before getting out.
I walked around to Brendon's side opening the door for him.
Brendon stepped out and smiled as I closed the door behind him.
I grabbed his hand and walked to the cafe doors with him, pulling the door open for him again so he could go in first.
Brendon smiled at me and shook his head walking in, waiting for me a few steps ahead.
I walked in and grabbed his hand again, walking up to the counter.
Brendon leaned against me and smiled as I ordered our coffees.
I wrapped my arm around Brendon and walked to the table after paying for them, pulling Brendon's chair out for him.
"Thank you ry." He said softly.
"Of course bren. Of course." I said softly and sat down in front of him.
I grabbed Brendon's hand gently holding it across the table.
Brendon smiled at me and looked up, gasping softly as he did, his eyes growing wide.
"What is it bren?" I asked, watching him try not to jump out of his seat.
"Ryan! Holy fucking shit that's Brian May!" He said excitedly.
I turned around and sure enough standing in the line was Brian May of Queen.
My jaw dropped and I turned back to Brendon who was bouncing in his seat.
"What are you doing? Go up to him!" I said.
Brendon looked at me with wide eyes and nodded getting up quickly walking over to the man.
I walked over and tried to compose myself before speaking.
I tapped his shoulder gently causing him to turn around.
"Hi Brian, my names Brendon Urie. My band is called Panic! At The Disco." I said.
Brian smiled turning completely.
"I've heard of you before." He said and nodded.
"Oh god okay uhm let me just say man you are a huge inspiration especially to what I do. Queen has been a huge part of my life since I was a little boy." I explained.
"Thanks man. I'm happy to hear how much we have inspired you." He said and shook my hand.
I smiled widely and nodded.
"I know it must be annoying but can we take a picture?" I asked.
Brian chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah man no worries." He said and leaned down once I pulled the camera up on my phone.
I snapped a couple pictures before shaking his hand again thanking him one more time before walking back to Ryan.
I sat down and put my head in my hands.
"He's heard of the band.." I said and looked up at Ryan.
"That man has heard of me before!" I whisper shouted.
Ryan laughed softly and held my hand again.
"Bren now you know exactly how people feel meeting you." He said.
I nodded quickly and smiled widely.
I looked up as Brian walked over.
"Hey man I wanted to tell you listening to just a few of your songs I think you'd do really well covering one of the songs." He said and smiled shaking Ryan's hand as well before nodding, walking out of the coffee shop.
I put my head down on the table again once he was gone.
Brian May knows who I am.

Soooooo I saw Bohemian Rhapsody and I got super inspired by it so there you go.

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Where stories live. Discover now