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"You know you told me I needed a shower but you do too. Your hair is so oily." I said running my fingers through Ryan's hair gently, getting them stuck in a tangle chuckling softly as I pulled them out.
"Well I planned to let you cut my hair Mr. CosmetologySchoolUrie." He said smiling at me as he tried to smooth his hair back down.
I laughed softly and nodded helping him.
"If you want me to do your hair..." I said, taking my hand away from his hair standing up. "Then cmon." I said walking to the bathroom that was connected to my room.
Ryan smiled and got up following me in.
I pulled the chair from in my room and put it in front of the sink facing away from the mirror so Ryan couldn't see himself until I was finished.
"Sit down I'll pull everything out." I said softly and got down on my knees opening the cabinet.
I put the kit on the counter closing the cabinet again before standing back up.
I opened the case that held everything I needed and pulled the clippers, oil since I hadn't been using them lately, scissors, a guard, a brush and the comb I needed.
As I oiled the clippers up Ryan sat in the chair I pulled to the bathroom before taking his shirt off so it didn't get hair all over it when I started.
"I love the curls don't get me wrong but you look like a shaggy dog." I said and plugged the clippers in.
Ryan laughed and shook his head leaning back in the chair.
I smiled and grabbed a brush and began to brush any tangles out of his hair gently, being careful not to pull his head too hard.
Once it was all smoothed out I turned Ryan's chair and hummed walking out of the room and out to the kitchen grabbing a bowl.
Once I had what I needed I walked back in and filled it up with water.
"Tilt your head back." I said.
Ryan closed his eyes and tilted his head back relaxing in the chair as I began working.
I poured the water over his hair soaking it before grabbing the shampoo from my shower and pouring a little into my hand rubbing it through his greasy hair.
"How long has it been since you last washed your hair properly?" I asked him as I massaged the shampoo into his scalp.
He hummed and shrugged.
"A week, maybe two. I've showered just rinsed my hair though." He said.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see anything I did.
"I've told you about washing your hair Ryan." I said.
Ryan laughed softly.
"I know I'm just too lazy." He said.
I shook my head again.
"I can't believe you let your hair get so damn bad." I said before filling the bowl again and washed the soap out.
Ryan smiled and clicked his tongue.
"Well I didn't have you to wash my hair out in a bowl now did I?" He said.
I laughed softly.
"That's what the shower is for Mr." I said.
"That's what a personal Brendon Urie is for." He said and laughed.
I smiled and grabbed a towel putting it around his shoulders.
"Okay sit up." I said and grabbed the scissors.
Ryan opened his eyes and sat up, his wet hair dripping on the towel.
I smiled and grabbed the comb brushing it out once more before getting to work at shortening his hair down.
Once that was done I grabbed the clippers and began cutting the sides of his hair putting the guard on when I needed it and fixed the top of his hair.
Ryan stayed still the entire time letting me do what I needed to.
I shaved his face and cleaned up any places I may have missed before humming in satisfaction at the work I had done.
I walked to the shower and grabbed the conditioner turning the water on in the sink again.
"Tilt your head back again." I said softly.
Ryan closed his eyes once again and leaned back over the sink.
I rinsed his hair out one more time before opening the conditioner pouring some into my hand.
I started rubbing it into Ryan's hair gently and hummed in satisfaction and laughed softly.
"Call me weird but conditioner is my favorite part about doing someone's hair." I said.
Ryan smiled and chuckled softly.
"Oh yeah? Why is that?" He asked keeping his head still while I massaged the conditioner into his hair.
"Because it feels really soft." I said and filled the bowl up again rinsing it out gently.
"That makes sense. I should let you do my hair from now on your hands feel amazing." He said.
I laughed softly and finished rinsing it out grabbing a blow dryer.
I unplugged the clippers and plugged in the blow dryer turning it on.
I took my time drying Ryan's hair and styling it to my liking.
I smiled and grabbed my phone taking a picture of him before pulling the towel from around his shoulders.
"You can look now." I said and turned Ryan in the chair again so he was facing the mirror.
Ryan looked at himself and smiled.
"Wow Bren you did amazing thank you." He said.
I smiled and nodded.
"Of course ry now hop in the shower and rinse yourself off I didn't use any product in your hair to style it I was just kind of giving you the idea of what it should look like." I said.
Ryan nodded and ran a hand through his hair standing up.
"Gonna stay in here while I shower?" He asked.
I laughed and shook my head cleaning up the hair on the floor throwing it in the trash then walked out, pulling the chair out behind me.
I closed the the door behind me leaving Ryan alone to enjoy his shower.
A few minutes later Ryan came out fully dressed and clean.
I smiled and walked over fixing a button on his shirt.
"That's better." I said and tapped his chest gently.
Ryan smiled down and me.
"Thank you Brendon. I'll see you in a few hours okay? Be ready by 7?" He asked softly.
I smiled and nodded.
"I'll see you at 7. I want roses." I said.
Ryan laughed softly and nodded.
"Of course. What kind of date would I be if I didn't bring you flowers." He said.
"Still an amazing date. Now go I'll see you in a few hours." I said.
Ryan smiled and bit his lip slightly as if he was thinking before he grabbed his keys and walked to the door.
"Bye Bren." He said and waved.
I laughed softly and waved back to him with a smile on my face.
"Bye ry." I said softly watching him as he walked out the door.
When he was gone I laughed to myself and picked penny up.
"You hear that penny lane? Daddy's going on a date." I said and kissed her head.
With that I put her down and went to my room to get dressed for the night.

So something I actually do I publish one chapter and I already have like 5 ahead of it written and while I'm waiting to go back and publish another I'll go and edit my others and make them more detailed and fix any mistakes. I also have dyslexia so I have to take my time and type out everything and make sure I don't mix any letters up but so far I think I've done pretty good. Also this fic is #2 in #rydenfanfic the last time I checked which while I'm typing this it's currently August 3 😂 don't forget to vote and make sure you guys comment I'd love to hear feedback

Unfinished Business ~ Ryden Where stories live. Discover now