Chapter 3

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I OWN NOTHING OF ONCE UPON A TIME OR THE VAMPIRE DIARIES!!!! If I did then it would be a lot different!!!


As much as I love having Henry all to myself all the time. I think that it would be good for him to spend time with Regina. I mean she did raise him for 11 years and is still his mother. It was Saturday morning, he usually only sleeps until 8 am. When he got up I was already making breakfast. I was not the greatest cook so I had just got him a bowl of cereal.

"Henry, I wanted to talk to you."

"What is it, mom?"

"I think that you should spend the day with Regina."


"Because she did raise you and you have not seen her in almost two months."

"She is nothing to me. You are my mom."

"Henry. It is one day."

"Fine. If it will make you happy."

"Finish eating, "I said to him. After he is done eating he gets dressed. I tried to call Regina but nobody was picking up. Strange. And then she thought about it. I have not seen her in about 4 weeks.

Henry and I walked over to the manor. Henry used his key to get into the door. When he walked in he could tell that there something off. The place was quiet. There was dust starting to collect on everything and Regina usually cleans every Saturday. He walked up to his room. He noticed that there was nothing different with his room other then there was a picture of them missing off his nightstand. It was the picture of them at the park. He arms were wrapped around him and he was smiling. He next went over to her bedroom. He opened the door to notice that there was nothing on her bed. He started to open the closet and drawers. There were no clothes. She has not been here in a while and she left in a hurry. He felt a little upset that she was not here. He walked downstairs to see his mother sitting at the table.

"Henry. She left you a note." She said handing him the envelope.

Henry, 9/01/18

My sweet boy, once you get this I will be far away. I hope you are doing good. I hope you are behaving for Emma, Snow and David. I decided that it would be better if I walked away from Storybrooke. You have a family that loves you and they will give you everything that you need. I am leaving you the house. You can move in Emma and the Charmings. Live your life to the fullest. Don't be sad that I am gone. This is for the best.

I am so sorry that I hurt you and have failed as a mother. I know that you can never forgive me for what I did to you but I hope that leaving you with your family will make up for it a little bit. I will always be the evil queen too you. I got an amazing job offer. I am going to become a mayor for a small town. I am going to start my good deeds to make it up to you. I hopefully will see you again one day. Someday in the future. I will always love you, Henry. Remember that. Have a good life, my sweet boy.

Love, Regina( Aka Mom)

Henry looked up with tears in his eyes. He handed his mom his letter. "She is gone. She just left and started a new life." He said sadly.

Emma pulled him into her arms. She hugged him tightly. "You know that your mom loves you. She will come back when she is ready. She will not be able to leave you forever."

"She has been gone for a month and I did not even notice." He said sniffling.

"It's okay, Henry. Why don't we go visit Snow and David?" She said standing up.

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