Chapter 4

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I OWN NOTHING OF ONCE UPON A TIME OR THE VAMPIRE DIARIES!!!! If I did then it would be a lot different!!!

Mystic Falls

   Regina was sitting at her kitchen table looking through her emails. Not that there was anything interesting in my emails.  Never anything interesting, except that there was an email from Henry. I was very shocked to see that there was something from him. I opened it to see what he had to say.


  I am so sorry for how mean I was to you. I did not know what I was going to miss. I hope that you can forgive me. I did not mean what I said when I called you the evil queen. I hope that you will come home.  I miss you and I don't want you to be away from me. You have been gone for over a month. Don't you miss me? The town is not the same without you. Snow is not as good as a mayor then you. Please come back to me. I love you.

                                                                                                                     Love, Henry

I replied.


   I am so sorry that I left you. I love you, my sweet boy, I just need someplace new.  I needed a new life. Someplace different. Somewhere where I am not the evil queen. I am now the mayor of this little town called Mystic Falls. The town is a lot of fun. I made a friend. A real friend Henry. Her name is Rebekah. He brothers are something else. I made another friend, Damon. He is always at the bar. He reminds me of Grumpy except his ego is a big as Anton. He is a great help in the town history. Henry, I want to come and see you but I need time. I am happy for the first time since Emma came. Just give me time. I need time. I need to find myself.  I love you, my sweet boy.

                                                                                                                      love, Mom

  I sent that email and then there was a knock on the door. I close out of my browser and walked to the door. Damon has no idea that I know that he is a vampire. This would be the first time that I have invited him to my house. I walked to the door an opened it.

  "Hello, Damon," I said opening the door wider.

 "Hello, Regina." He said walking closer to the door.

 "Damon, would you like to come in?"

 "Sure. Thank you." He said walking in my house. I closed the door and lead him to the kitchen.

 "So I was going to make an apple pie. Would you like to help."

 "Sure." He said going to the sink and washing his hands.

I stand beside him and wash my hands after he was done. I hand him the apples and a knife.

 "You work on the apples and I will make the dough."

 "Sounds good."

   We chatted about his family. He told me about his brother, Stephen. Also how he was in love with his ex-girlfriend. He told me about being a vampire and Katherine. I decided that I should probably tell him about my life. I told him about the little town that I had made when I set my curse. After the apple pie was in the oven we went and watched a movie. We took the pie out and then finished the movie. We had a piece of the pie and he told me more about his life. I told him that I was going to have to meet Elena. I told him that I have become good friends with Rebekah. He was not too happy about that. Apparently, she had tried to kill him. My response was who has not tried to kill you. He laughed and said true. There was a lot of killing in this place. Everyone was killing everyone. After a few hours, he got a call from Stephen and had to leave. After he left I cleaned up my house and went to bed.

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