Thirty five

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The phone call i got at the lake wasn't from the hospital, it was from Ethan checking up on me since i haven't been posting or replying to any of his texts. Ethan and i became pretty good friends the last couple of weeks. I was glad he wanted to make sure i was okay. Even though i still wasn't fine i just said i was and that he didn't need to worry about me.

Back at the hotel

When we got back from the lake and in the hotel room i couldn't stop staring at my black phone screen. Will the hospital call? I kept thinking

"Haley i know your worried.. But its late, you should get some sleep." Noah said, but i still kept staring at my screen

"No. Noah you don't understand! What if my dad is dead, or he's awake and i miss that call. I cant go to sleep, not when they could call!" I said snarky

"Haley just get some sleep. I'll wake you up if the hospital calls okay." Noah said softly

"Okay.." I mumbled.

I put my phone down and crawled onto the bed like a little baby and closed my eyes. I fell asleep almost immediately.

A couple hours later

I was shaken awake by Noah in the middle of the night, my vision wasn't clear so i rubbed my eyes and looked again, Noah was on the phone.

"Haley is sleeping, whats wrong?" I heard Noah ask the person on the other line

"Noah wh-" I got cut off by a shh and him covering my mouth with his finger. I looked at him confused and listened to him on the phone

"Oh wow! Thats, thats great news!" He said happy

"Yeah yeah i'll tell her, okay thank you bye." And with that the conversation ended.

"Noah who was that?" I asked still half asleep

"The hospital." Noah said sitting next to me on the bed, "Your dad is out of his coma."

I couldn't believe what i just heard. I immediately sat up straight and looked at Noah, "Wait what?- Really?!" I said with tears in my eyes

"Yeah. Yeah Haley, he's gonna be okay." He said and i wrapped him in a hug.

My dad was gonna be okay. Thats the only thing that mattered right now.

Sunflower. [Noah Centineo]Where stories live. Discover now