The Meeting

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It was still early in the morning when Zhao Yunlan, leader of the private special force called Black Dragon Guardians, walked with his usual confidence, with a lollipop on his mouth, through the halls of the Dragon City University in which he was supposed to meet a history professor. Giving his good looks and bad boy style, many girl whisper between themselves as he pass them, probably wondering why he was doing in the History Department, in which pretty much all students and professors knew each other.

He gave a few good looking girls a wink and a half smile, which sent them in hysterical little laughs, as he expected. Yeah, he still have what it takes to attract women, although, he liked hot men more. However, he wasn't there to seek one at all. His team had received a call from a high up government official, offering to pay his team a good deal of money to safeguard an expedition to the Kunlun Mountains.

At first, he thought it was a prank, but after checking the identity of the caller (who was not a problem for his technology expert despite the level of security), he knew there was a big secret hidden inside the request. Mount Kunlun was forbidden to enter by the country laws. The reason? It was said that the place was dangerous, too dangerous to be wandering around for fun, not to mention the place was a freaking freezer. If something goes wrong inside those mountains, it meant a certain death, game over, no more green bar over your head.

He did rejected the offer, despite the good amount offered to complete it, mostly because his company was in no need to get big projects that could spike the risk in the lives of his team unnecessarily, but the idiots apparently loved the money more, because they keep pestering him to take the job until he finally gave in.

The job was supposed to be simple, they will pick up a team of professors from Dragon City University, transport them safely to the mountains, in where a famous archaeologist went missing, guide them toward the last place the man was last seen and investigate his whereabouts, if it was possible.

If they didn't find the man or anything coming from him, they were supposed to come back and receive their price, but if they manage to find the missing professor alive, they were supposed to bring him back, so he could tell the militaries about his findings on the unexplored part of the mountain.

At that thought, Zhao sighed, because the higher up idiots really believed that his team could pull off such stunt in the dangerous freezing mountains that many said was a gods land, when they were clearly not explorers, even when they had guard a few tombs excavations for the government... but really, just for that, he was no Indiana Jones.

"Professor Shen Wei, history department, office twelve..." Zhao read the card once again as he looked the numbers of the professors offices.

He was having second thoughts as to guide a bunch of old scholars to a freezing mountain in which they will probably caught a nasty cold, that will complicate along the way and die. He didn't like to lead people to their deaths, but then again, if he didn't took the job, someone else will and perhaps the group of oldies, looking for their missing college, would die even sooner with another group. He had the feeling that the militaries had choose his company, because his father (now retired) was once, one of those higher up idiots that will be bond to secrecy that will baby sit the professors while the military team investigate on their own.

"Ah, damn... why me?" He asked himself as he knocked in the right door, expecting an old history professor to call him in, but surprisingly enough, the voice that answer his knocking was that of a younger male. Maybe the professor have an assistant or a student about to go out.

"Please come in..." Zhao open the door and took out his lollipop and throwing it in a near trash can, because he didn't want to give a bad impression to the old man or being disrespectful. Scholars most of all, are quite proper and expect certain decorum when dealing with them. However, once he had a clear view of the one sitting behind the burgundy cedar desk, was not an old man at all, but a damn hot guy with a devastating smile and killer beautiful eyes, hidden behind round eyeglasses.

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