The Turning Point

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-Shen Wei-

A few minutes, after they proceeded carefully, inside the ice cave with the Guardians making a circle around the professors, ready to act at any moment, if needed, they were left in darkness as the flashlights, all stop functioning at the same time. Shen Wei heard Yunlan curse, as Guo which was behind him hold his sleeve and the other professor slightly hit their flashlights, to see if they could make them work again.

"Hey, don't panic, we are prepare for this kind of situation too..." Zhao said a second before  igniting the lighter his father once gave him, poorly illuminating a bit around him.

"Okay guys, the torches... It seems we will have to keep on, in the old way." Zhao commanded and his entire team put their backpacks on the iced floor and look for a few pieces of thin sticks, they put together creating small sized torches.

"This place sure is strange. The magnetic field here must be something else. Not even my watch works." Lin noted, as Da Qing ignite the first torch and pass it to his Chief.

Shen Wei also looked at his watch and just like the technology expert said, his was also out of the picture. Then he notice that his bracelet was shining slightly with a greenish glow. He looked a bit surprised at Yunlan, but he was busy now helping the others with the torches. Maybe it was those kind of bracelets that shined in the darkness, but then again, it also felt a bit warm over his cold skin.

"Shen Wei... something wrong?" Zhao asked as he passed a torch to him and Wei simply smiled at the handsome man that was turning his world upside down in such a short amount of time with both his alluring personality that was making his heart race more times than he wished and his intriguing gift.

"No... just checking my watch too. It isn't working either." He responded.

"Yeah mine is totally out. This must be the reason why some parts of these mountains are still unexplored, not even with satellites." The local guide pointed.

"Let's just be more careful from here on. Remember the rules, don't panic, don't go away on your own and follow our instructions. Whatever strange thing we find, let us handle it first and stay back." He said in general, then as the others were distracted receiving their own torches, he came closer to Shen.

"Stay always behind me Xiao Wei, because I will look back a few times and I hope to find your lovely face in each glance." Shen blushed once again, as he felt Yunlan's warm breath over his ear and neck, which send shivers all over his body.

"Will you ever stop teasing me?" Shen whisper back.

"Nope... remember, it was you who kiss me first." Zhao keep up.

"But I don't even remember it." Shen protested slightly moving his head, almost kissing Yunlan in the process, as Zhao also moved his to look at him.

"Should I remained you? I'm more than willing..." Shen sighed, as his face heated even more.

"No. I'm sure you will do far more than what I dared." Shen said, smiling shyly as his heart raced faster. His teasing at least was making him warmer and it was beginning to take a real effect over him, because Zhao Yunlan was quite tempting and he knew it.

"And you will love it... I promise." Zhao teased deeper and right after the words left his lush lips, Shen Wei felt a tingly sensation over his wrist, right in where the bracelet was, but a second later it was gone as Chu interrupted Yunlan's flirting.

"Hey! Stop embarrassing my friend, you shameless Chief. We better move on before the night comes." Chu said, making Zhao move away from the red hot professor.

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