The Forbidden Temple

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Zhao Yunlan wake up the next morning before sunrise, feeling like he was been watched, which wasn't far from the true, because Lóng Hún was staring at him, so intensely that wake him up. He looked down at his lover, but Shen Wei was still resting peacefully on his arms, probably still tired from performing a godly seal, as a human. He smiled proudly at his strong lover, before he kiss Shen Wei's hair and try to untangle himself from his tight grasp, but each time he tried to move away, Shen Wei moaned, pulling him even closer.

"Just wake him up, we need to talk before going back to town." Lóng Hún suggested, and although he would have want for his Wei to rest for a few more hours, there were things he needed to tell him. Things that his godly self had told him before waking a part of him. The hunting wasn't over yet and to be honest, it was not going to be an easy one, now that he knew the identity of the demon woman in red.

"Shen Wei... babe... Xiao Wei... wake up..." Shen Wei moaned some more, but still burry his head on Zhao's chest.

"He must be quite tired." Lóng Hún said in a softer voice.

"Of course he is... When I came back and saw him in such a bad shape..."

"You just came back in time."

"A second later and I would have lost him..."

"But you endure your own awakening in time to save him, which is the reason he is here with you now. Still, you know it's not over yet. He can rest back in town, in a real bed, softer than that sleeping bag."

"Mmm, I guess... Shen Wei..." Zhao tried again, this time he kissed his soft neck, then his closed eyes and finally, gently pulling his head up, he kissed his tempting lips. Feeling the warm and soft touch over his lips, Shen Wei, responded to the kiss before opening his eyes.

"Good morning, Xiao Wei..." Yunlan whisper and was gifted with a handsome welcoming smile.

"Good morning, Yunlan..." Shen whisper back, blushing slightly, in the moment he notice Lóng Hún annoyed gaze over them.

"Seriously, you two are too passionate for my taste..." Shen blushed even more, which make Zhao smile.

"Don't mind him, my Wei... you look cute when embarrassed and even more so when been passionate." He blushed even further.

"You are going to give him a heart attack one of this days... come with me, both of you, we need to talk in private."

"Wait, Guo! How is he?" Shen said as he hastily sat, earning a shoot of pain from his arching body. Yunlan put a hand on his back, so he would not fall back, as he looked a bit dizzy by the sudden movement.

"Don't worry, he is fine. You were far more drained than he was. The kid's energy in in a league of his own, always was. Get up, we have some pressing matters to discuss." Zhao stood first, so he could help Shen Wei and keep an arm on him, just in case he felt dizzy again. Although he had restored a great deal of his energy and fully heal him, he was still lacking more energy to entirely balance his wakened side.

They followed Lóng Hún down the stairs to the underground temple, as they did before, holding hands. However, as the place didn't hold good memories for Shen Wei, Yunlan try his best to release the tension from his lover with a slight healing touch. As they approached the widen area, Zhao put one of his arms over Shen Wei's shoulder to keep him closer.

"Zhao Yunlan, last time you couldn't read the runes in this place. What about now?" Lóng Hún asked as the runes shine back, as they did before with the dragon's touch. Yunlan then focus on reading around the walls, confirming what the remnant of Kunlun had told him inside the void in which they kind of fusion together as one.

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