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General Magmar's pov (The book of monsters will be known as Monstrox in this story, but he is still a book.)

"Magmar are you okay?" Monstrox asked, the bookkeeper walked over to me holding the Book of Monsters. "Yes, I am fine. Why do you ask?" "You just haven't been yourself, and I'm worried about you. I mean you and Beast Master have always been like the sons I never had and I just want to make sure, your okay."

He wasn't wrong when Beast Master was a year old and I was only 3 our parents disappeared and we were alone. We were so young and it was raining when we were at the lava castle, Monstrox found us and he just took us in. He showed us love and we had a family with all the other lava monsters.

"I know, but you don't have to worry so much I'm just gonna go for a walk." I told him, "plus I need to distract myself while my mask is getting fixed." Today when we were fighting the knights, the red knight threw her mace at me and it ended up with my mask breaking in half. "I understand, just don't stay out too late." "Alright, I'll be back later," I said to Monstrox as I walked out the doors of the lava castle. I didn't think all I did was run in the woods.

I needed some time for myself, not just because I was waiting for my mask to be fixed. But it was mostly because I have feelings for the blue knight, Clay Moorington. I don't understand why I feel such things for him, it just happened. I want to tell him, I want to tell him that I love him, that I want to hold, that I want to kiss him.....But I can't. He's a knight and I am a monster, it's not meant to be.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YOUR MOTHER FELL IN LOVE WITH A LAVA MONSTER WHEN SHE WAS A KNIGHT, HELL EVERYONE CALLED HER A GENERAL!! IF SHE DIDN'T MARRY YOUR FATHER THEN YOU AND BEAST MASTER WOULDN'T BE HERE TO THIS DAY, JUST TELL THE DAME KNIGHT HOW YOU FELL!!!" I covered my ears as my heart started to scream in my ears, "ow must you yell so loudly? I'm not telling him." "But you need to tell him, if you don't you'll regret it forever. Plus you could lose control of your magic by keeping your feelings bolted up."

"I'm not doing it, so just shut up!!" "Who are talking too, General?" I looked up from the ground only to see Clay, he was wearing a blue hoodie, and sliver sweatpants. He looks so cute!! "Oh, blue knight.....I didn't see you there. What are you doing here?" "Oh, I needed some fresh air. Anyways I saw what happened to your mask sorry about that." He's so sweet, so nice, he's too good for this world!! "What are you doing Magmar?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed what I just did, I just cornered Clay into a tree, oh god our faces are inches apart.

"DO IT KISS HIM!!" I want to snap at my heart but I don't, I push my face closer to his. Till our lips were together. 'Oh god, what am I doing!? This is wrong, but so right.' The kiss was soft, gentle, I think I'm losing my mind as I started to nib at his bottom lip. I pulled away from him looking at him. His eyes widened, oh god what did I just do!? "Mag-Magmar?" Oh god, I looked down at my hands and saw that they were gripping his hoodie. I let him go and I started to back up from him, "Magmar wait!!!" I heard Clay yell out to me, I didn't stop.

I ran and ran and ran back to the lava castle, I ran past the others ignoring my brother and Monstrox calling my name. I ran up the stairs and ran to my room, I slammed the door and locked it. WHAT DID I JUST DO!?!?!

Love burning like lava (Clay x General Magmar)Where stories live. Discover now